What's go­ing on with us

Trans­fer in vo­ca­tion­al edu­ca­tion and train­ing

InnoVET accompanying research meeting in Paderborn Increasing the attractiveness, quality and equivalence of vocational education and training and initiating new co-operation between learning venues: These are the goals of the innovation competition "Shaping the Future - Innovations for Excellent Vocational Education and Training (InnoVET)". Within this framework, 17 funded projects are developing and testing attractive and high-quality…

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Increasing the attractiveness, quality and equivalence of vocational education and training and initiating new cooperation between learning centres: These are the goals of the innovation competition "Shaping the future - innovations for excellent vocational education and training (InnoVET)". 17 funded projects have been selected and are trialling attractive and high-quality qualification programmes for vocational education and training. InnoVET…

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A contribution from the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts on Prof Dr Caren Sureth-Sloane Hardly anyone knows more about taxes and their economic consequences than Prof Dr Caren Sureth-Sloane. The deputy secretary of the engineering and economics class has many ideas for the tax system and a vision for scientific work in her subject area. When it comes to preparing her tax return, Prof Dr Caren Sureth-Sloane is…

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This year's annual meeting of the alumni association "Arbeitskreis Paderborner Betriebswirte" (APB) took place from 20 to 22 June in Paderborn and was a complete success. 50 years after successfully completing their studies, 28 participants - graduates from 1974 and their partners - came together to look back on their time as students and learn about current developments at their alma mater. The programme began on Thursday with a guided tour of…

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Every year, Prof James Eckert, Ph.D., from Western Michigan University (USA) visits Paderborn University. This is now the 13th year he has held his popular Bachelor's course "Global Business Essentials" at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. But Professor Eckert does not travel alone from Michigan. Every year, he brings a group of American students with him who are keen to get to know Germany and its culture and university…

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Award-win­ning Mas­ter's theses res­ult in new re­search pro­ject

Paderborn graduates focus on flexible workplace concepts At Paderborn University's Chair of Human Resources Management, two outstanding theses have not only received academic recognition, but have also provided the impetus for a further research project. Graduates Johanna Horsthemke and Mona Täuber analysed the effect of flexible working models on employer attractiveness among applicants - using questionnaires and experiments on the one hand and…

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