What's go­ing on with us

Paderborn University has achieved a very good position in a worldwide ranking of patent applications in the higher education sector published by the German Economic Institute (IW). In a global comparison of 1,767 patent-active universities, it occupies 338th place. The years 2017 to 2021 were analysed, during which Paderborn University mainly filed international patent applications in the fields of circuit technology and mechanical engineering. …

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New Dean's Of­fice elec­ted in the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

On 16 October 2024, Paderborn University set an important course for the future of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics: The Faculty Board elected the new Dean's Office, which will take over with immediate effect. Prof Dr Jens Müller succeeds Prof Dr Burkhard Hehenkamp as the new Dean. Müller has headed the professorship "Business Administration, in particular Corporate Taxation" in the "Taxation, Accounting and Finance"…

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From 28 to 30 August, researchers from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University met in Bad Arolsen to discuss their research in depth. This traditional annual event brings together both junior researchers and experienced professors and strengthens dialogue across disciplinary boundaries. How is it possible to promote dialogue when methods as diverse as experimental, econometric, qualitative and theoretical…

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Paderborn University has successfully positioned itself in the ranking group 501-600 in the latest edition of the "Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2025". The ranking, which takes into account a total of 2,092 universities from 115 countries and territories, is one of the most renowned international university rankings and assesses universities based on five key indicators: Teaching, Research Environment, Research Quality,…

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Pub­lic lec­tures offered by Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In the winter semester 2024/25, Paderborn University is once again inviting all interested parties to various lecture series on socially relevant topics. Every week, lecturers and researchers from the five faculties as well as external experts will deal with a wide range of aspects relating to sustainability, music and digital media. It is not necessary to register for the programmes in advance. "UPB For Future" - the sustainability lecture…

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Photo: Lea Christine Peter was honoured with the Schmalenbach Scholarship at the 78th German Business Management Conference.

Lea Christine Peter, a Master's student of International Business Studies at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University, was honoured with the Schmalenbach Scholarship from the Schmalenbach Foundation at the 78th German Business Management Conference. This award recognises her outstanding academic achievements and social commitment. "During my courses, I have come to know Ms Peter as an extremely committed,…

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