Suc­cess­ful alumni meet­ing of the Pader­born Busi­ness Eco­nom­ists (APB) in Pader­born

 |  AlumniPressemitteilungen

This year's annual meeting of the alumni association "Arbeitskreis Paderborner Betriebswirte" (APB) took place from 20 to 22 June in Paderborn and was a complete success. 50 years after successfully completing their studies, 28 participants - graduates from 1974 and their partners - came together to look back on their time as students and learn about current developments at their alma mater.

The programme began on Thursday with a guided tour of the Jacoby Studios headquarters in Paderborn city centre, which is well worth a visit, followed by an anniversary dinner on the panoramic terrace of the Arosa Hotel, where the participants enjoyed a convivial get-together and shared memories.

Friday was all about the Paderborn University. Prof Dr René Fahr, Vice President for Transfer and Sustainability, welcomed the alumni and gave an overview of the university's current situation and strategic development. This was followed by exciting presentations: Prof Dr René Fahr spoke about the "Ecological Transformation of the Economy", and Prof Dr Guido Schryen, Professor of Information Systems, esp. Operations Research, gave a presentation on the BMBF joint project "Coordination of Spontaneous Helpers in Crises and Disasters (KatHelfer-PRO)". A tour of the Institute for Lightweight Construction with Hybrid Systems by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Schaper, Professor of Materials Science and Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and staff rounded off the day at Paderborn University. The evening ended with a cosy meal in Haxterpark.

UPB alumnus Willi Lenz, the organiser of the meeting, was very pleased with the event: "The insights into the current developments and research projects at Paderborn University and the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics were extremely impressive. We all left Paderborn deeply impressed by the fantastic Paderborn University programme."

The "Arbeitskreis Paderborner Betriebswirte" was founded in 1982 and has since set itself the goal of promoting exchange between graduates. With 40 successful annual meetings to date, the APB can look back on a long-standing tradition that is set to continue in the future.

Photo (Paderborn University): Reunion at Paderborn University: 50 years after successfully completing their studies, the members of the alumni association "Arbeitskreis Paderborner Betriebswirte" (APB) met with their partners at their university.
Photo (Paderborn University): Prof Dr René Fahr spoke about the "Ecological Transformation of the Economy".
Photo (Paderborn University): Prof Dr Guido Schryen spoke about the BMBF joint project "Coordination of spontaneous helpers in crisis and disaster situations (KatHelfer-PRO)".


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Alexandra Dickhoff

Paderborn University

Referentin für Vernetzung/Alumni

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