What's go­ing on with us

Au­tumn Uni­ver­sity 2024 "Girls Only" and "All Gender"

The STEM taster programme for middle and high school students During the first week of the autumn holidays, from 14 to 18 October, Paderborn University is offering schoolgirls in grades 7 to 13 a taster course in the STEM fields: the autumn university "Girls only", organised by the project "Frauen gestalten die Informationsgesellschaft" (fgi). Parallel to the "Girls only" autumn university, the "All Gender" autumn university is also offered by…

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The di­git­al trans­form­a­tion of city centres

Dr Christian Bartelheimer receives award for his research on the future of local retail At a time when more and more consumers are opting for the convenience of online shopping, many European city centres are struggling to survive. Shop closures and declining footfall not only have an economic impact, but also a social one: City centres are losing their vibrancy, diversity and attractiveness. This development is threatening the quality of life…

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Paderborn University, together with Bielefeld University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (TH OWL), has launched the NRWTalente - Region OWL student scholarship programme. The aim is to offer performance-orientated pupils from the 8th grade onwards unique perspectives for career and study orientation. The programme aims to strengthen equal opportunities and educational equality…

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Man­age­ment stu­dents identi­fy im­port­ant on­line mar­ket­ing strategies

Funding volunteer projects abroad: Successful completion of the Capstone Course in summer semester 2024 Together for a good cause: that was the motto of the Management Capstone Course in the summer semester 2024. Under the direction of Prof. Dr Lena Steinhoff and Dr Carina Witte, students at Paderborn University developed recommendations for action for the practice partner Smile for Children e. V. Smile for Children is a non-profit organisation…

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New paths for the cli­mate-neut­ral sup­ply of neigh­bour­hoods in OWL

New "FlexLabQuartier" project sponsored with 2.2 million euros Living and working in a resource-efficient way, reducing greenhouse gases and minimising environmental pollution: Renewable energies make an important contribution in the fight against climate change. The Software Innovation Lab at Paderborn University's "SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn" is involved in the "FlexLabQuartier" project, which deals with the climate-neutral…

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Photo (Paderborn University): The seminar participants enjoyed the lively discussions and in-depth insights at Deloitte GmbH in Düsseldorf.

Risk man­age­ment at banks - stu­dents re­search the prac­tice

Successful conclusion of this year's banking seminar at Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf How does a bank deal with risks? And which risks exactly do you need to pay attention to? The continuous development of internal risk management is of central importance for banks. In order to pass this knowledge on to students as practically as possible, Prof Dr André Uhde and Simone Voigt from the Chair of Banking and Finance at Paderborn University…

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