What's go­ing on with us

What im­pact do cor­por­ate re­port­ing and tax­a­tion have on the eco­nomy and so­ci­ety?

Annual Conference 2024 of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 266 "Accounting for Transparency" at Paderborn University The Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 266 "Accounting for Transparency" took place this year from 20 to 22 November at Paderborn University. Over 100 researchers from all over Germany came together to discuss the role of transparency in the economy. They exchanged their findings on how corporate…

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Prof Dr Stefan Betz hon­oured with the Dean's Ser­vice Award

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is delighted to honour Prof. Dr Stefan Betz with the Deans Service Award for his 20 years of commitment as Chair of the Examination Board. During his tenure, Prof Dr Betz has ensured that examination matters at the Faculty are regulated transparently and fairly. His commitment has made studying easier for many students, helped them in challenging situations and made a significant contribution…

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Prof Dr Lena Steinhoff in an interview with the F.A.Z How do you manage to land one of the coveted professorships in business administration - and what alternatives are there if you don't succeed? The VHB Young Talent Barometer 2024, published by the Association of University Professors of Business Administration, sheds light on the opportunities and challenges facing young researchers in business administration. Fixed-term contracts, high…

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On 16 November 2024, Paderborn University's Audimax was transformed into a place of joy and appreciation: around 200 graduates of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics celebrated the successful completion of their studies together with their families, friends and the faculty. The "Day of Economics" provided a worthy stage for outstanding achievements and special moments - as well as a glimpse into the future. The event kicked off…

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Trilateral doctoral seminar on vocational education and training research On 28 and 29 October 2024, the traditional annual doctoral seminar of business educators from Paderborn University, the University of Cologne and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BiBB) took place. This time, the event was organised by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BiBB) in Bonn. Thanks to the excellent…

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Vir­tu­al real­ity in high­er edu­ca­tion

Go-ahead given for the "ERASMUS+" project "VR-intense" at Paderborn University E-learning and digital programmes are changing higher education in the long term. Virtual reality (VR) technologies are playing an increasingly important role in this. In September, the "ERASMUS+" project "VR-intense" was launched under the leadership of Prof. Dr Marc Beutner and Dr Jennifer Schneider, Chair of Business Education at Paderborn University, which focuses…

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