What im­pact do cor­por­ate re­port­ing and tax­a­tion have on the eco­nomy and so­ci­ety?

 |  TRR 266: Rechnungswesen, Steuern und Unternehmenstransparenz

Annual Conference 2024 of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 266 "Accounting for Transparency" at Paderborn University

The Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 266 "Accounting for Transparency" took place this year from 20 to 22 November at Paderborn University. Over 100 researchers from all over Germany came together to discuss the role of transparency in the economy. They exchanged their findings on how corporate reporting, controlling and taxation affect the transparency of companies and regulation and what influence these in turn have on the economy and society.

TRR 266 is working to expand research on transparency in these fields. The Annual Conference offers participants the opportunity to network within the transregional project and to give each other feedback on their research. The conference also provides an opportunity to discuss the year's progress and expand co-operation networks.

The conference began with special activities for early career researchers, including a workshop for female researchers as part of the TRR Female Mentorship Programme. Furthermore, a series of parallel sessions and workshops presented and discussed the participants' research work on various topics ranging from sustainability reporting to tax avoidance.

The final day of the conference was also open to the wider academic community for the first time. Researchers from the fields of accounting and taxation were invited. Joachim Weimann from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg gave a keynote speech entitled "The regulator and transparency: a complicated relationship", in which he provided insights into the dynamics between regulators and transparency. An open science workshop at this open day emphasised the conference's commitment to transparency in scientific research and data sharing.

More information on the Collaborative Research Centre can be found here: https://www.accounting-for-transparency.de/

About TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency

TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency is a supra-regional Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with 12 million euros. It is the first SFB with a business management focus. The researchers are investigating how accounting and taxation influence the transparency of companies and how regulations and corporate transparency affect the economy and society. The aim is to develop effective regulation for corporate transparency and a transparent tax system.

Around 80 researchers from eight universities are involved in the CRC: Paderborn University (host university), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, University of Mannheim, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Leibniz University Hannover and the University of Cologne.

Photo (Jonas Fromme): Over 100 researchers from all over Germany came together at the Annual Conference to discuss the role of transparency in the economy.
