
Exciting stories from studies, stays abroad and career paths: In our wiwi.stories, you will gain insights into the experiences of students during their studies as well as those of alumni after their studies at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The stories highlight personal and professional development opportunities at Paderborn University. Be inspired by our wiwi.stories and discover the many opportunities offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

How to be­come a teach­er at a vo­ca­tion­al col­lege after bank train­ing

Mathias' path to studying was not quite as direct as that of many other students. He only began his Bachelor's degree at the age of 25 after training as a bank clerk and a total of six years in banking. Today, he is a teacher at a vocational college and shares his knowledge and experience with his students.

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Help­ing to save the cli­mate with your own start-up

Since 2018, Jona Vogel, who is currently writing his Master's thesis at the Chair of International Business, has been working with his team on an initial idea that is now growing more and more into a marketable product. The aim of the start-up ENERVATE is to make it possible to move away from energy sources that are responsible for a large proportion of CO2 emissions.

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From uni­ver­sity pro­ject to No. 3 in the edu­ca­tion sec­tor

Just do it, is Daniel and Carlo's motto. If you have to write a business plan in a course, then it shouldn't just be for the grade. Today, at the age of 32, the two are managing directors of StudyHelp GmbH and help students on their way to graduation.

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From stu­dent coun­cil board to CEO

Nothing ventured, nothing gained - that could be Kevin's motto. He jumped in at the deep end and moved to the Pader to study. At university, he clearly expressed his opinion and that of the students, and at not even 30 years old, he took over a company. Kevin has dared to do a lot and he has no regrets.

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More than just a title

Many graduates immediately tick off the topic of a doctorate. Perhaps a little too hastily, because who is really interested in it? Jennifer did and is now doing her doctorate in the field of location-based services at the Department of Information Systems. She sees the research, diversity and freedom during her doctorate as great opportunities to develop herself further and find her own path.

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Are you in­ter­ested in study­ing with us?

Here you can find all degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

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Now you want to go abroad too?

Find out more about the internationalisation of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics here.

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Would you like to tell a wiwi.story yourself? Get in touch with us!

Anita Langemann

Dekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Room Q0.339
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

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