A look at what is currently happening in our company

From exciting scientific findings to new professorships and exciting event announcements - this page offers you an overview of the latest developments & research results from our faculty.


New paths for the cli­mate-neut­ral sup­ply of neigh­bour­hoods in OWL

New "FlexLabQuartier" project sponsored with 2.2 million euros Living and working in a resource-efficient way, reducing greenhouse gases and minimising environmental pollution: Renewable energies make an important contribution in the fight against climate change. The Software Innovation Lab at Paderborn University's "SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn" is involved in the "FlexLabQuartier" project, which deals with the climate-neutral…

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Photo (Paderborn University): The seminar participants enjoyed the lively discussions and in-depth insights at Deloitte GmbH in Düsseldorf.

Risk man­age­ment at banks - stu­dents re­search the prac­tice

Successful conclusion of this year's banking seminar at Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf How does a bank deal with risks? And which risks exactly do you need to pay attention to? The continuous development of internal risk management is of central importance for banks. In order to pass this knowledge on to students as practically as possible, Prof Dr André Uhde and Simone Voigt from the Chair of Banking and Finance at Paderborn University…

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Fear of di­git­al es­pi­on­age

Paderborn scientist investigates technology-related conspiracy theories in new study Technology plays an important role in the spread of conspiracy theories and radical opinions. However, a new study by researchers from Paderborn University and Göttingen shows that search engines and apps are increasingly becoming the focus of these narratives themselves, providing empirical data on the extent, causes and consequences. The results have now been…

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Opinions, interests and wishes are in demand: the Chair of Information Systems, in particular Business Information Systems, at Paderborn University is conducting a survey to improve the visitor experience in the cultural sector. As part of the "Datenraum Kultur" project, the visitor survey, led by Prof Dr Daniel Beverungen, is dedicated to aspects that can create a positive or negative experience. "Data Space Culture" is part of the German…

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Present your own re­search in just three minutes

Students from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics take part in the Three Minute Thesis Competition The "International Business Studies Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)" took place at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University in the summer semester of 2024. The competition was part of the English course in the sixth semester of the Bachelor's degree programme in International Business…

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Fas­cin­at­ing jour­ney through the Sahel: "Fest­iv­al of Amazement"

Workshops, debates and live music: until Saturday, 13 July, the "Highdigenous Live! The Festival of Amazement" is taking place on the campus. Under the motto "Marvelling together, expanding perspectives, overcoming boundaries", the festival invites visitors on a fascinating journey through music, architecture, education and work in the Sahel region. The event is sponsored by the Cultural Office of the City of Paderborn and the LWL Cultural…

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Trans­fer in vo­ca­tion­al edu­ca­tion and train­ing

InnoVET accompanying research meeting in Paderborn Increasing the attractiveness, quality and equivalence of vocational education and training and initiating new co-operation between learning venues: These are the goals of the innovation competition "Shaping the Future - Innovations for Excellent Vocational Education and Training (InnoVET)". Within this framework, 17 funded projects are developing and testing attractive and high-quality…

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Increasing the attractiveness, quality and equivalence of vocational education and training and initiating new cooperation between learning centres: These are the goals of the innovation competition "Shaping the future - innovations for excellent vocational education and training (InnoVET)". 17 funded projects have been selected and are trialling attractive and high-quality qualification programmes for vocational education and training. InnoVET…

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In­aug­ur­al lec­ture by Prof Dr Daniel Re­ims­bach: Pieces of the puzzle for change: Shap­ing sus­tain­ab­il­ity with re­port­ing and gov­ernance?

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23.01.2025 - 23.01.2025

Dough­nut Eco­nom­ics - GDP and eco­nom­ic growth were yes­ter­day - how prosper­ity for all is pos­sible with­in plan­et­ary bound­ar­ies

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Law & or­­­der . . . some drinks!

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30.01.2025 - 30.01.2025

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in prac­tice: The Stud­i­er­enden­werk PB in trans­ition

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24.03.2025 - 25.03.2025

17. Jahresta­gung der Deutschen Gesell­schaft für Ge­sund­heit­söko­nomie e. V. 2025

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Workshops on the explainability of AI

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Viele Personen sitzen in einem Raum.

TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Forum

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Trees in summer on the campus of Paderborn University.

Business Ethics Forum

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