Nine months in Den­mark: Anna-Lena's in­tern­ship abroad - Part 2

 |  InternationalStoryFakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

‘I hope that in seven months' time I can look back on many valuable experiences and an instructive time.’ That's what Anna-Lena said last year after the first two months of her stay abroad in Denmark. At that time, she still had another seven months ahead of her, which she finally completed in June 2023. After returning home, Anna-Lena not only has souvenirs and other mementos in her luggage, but one thing above all: unforgettable experiences on a personal and professional level.

Missed the beginning? Click here for the first part

Unlike many of her fellow students, Anna-Lena did not attend lectures and seminars at university in Copenhagen, but completed an internship at a young start-up. But how did her areas of responsibility develop after the familiarisation period? Initially, the 24-year-old's focus was primarily on social media, as she was in charge of the company's German Instagram account. Over time, Anna-Lena's field of activity shifted more towards e-commerce, the website and management. She was responsible for ensuring the smooth operation and effective marketing of the products online and gained insights into product management and web design, among other things. Anna-Lena's task was also to familiarise the two other interns from Belgium and Switzerland and give them an insight into the start-up.


Black Friday, influencers and prize draws
Through her work in e-commerce, the student was able to gain a deep insight into online marketing. This includes placing paid advertising on social media, precisely defining the target group and creating effective newsletters. The basics not only gave Anna-Lena an understanding of the mechanisms of online marketing, but also the ability to deal critically with figures and analyse them in a reflective manner. Google Analytics in particular enabled her to gain a deeper insight into the performance of online platforms. ‘The analytical focus has sharpened my ability to always keep an eye on the relevant data,’ adds Anna-Lena.

She also found it exciting to observe the process of strategically aligning the start-up during special occasions such as Black Friday and Christmas in e-commerce. ‘It was crucial to define clear goals, especially during such phases when the competition is particularly intense,’ she says. The planning was comprehensive and ranged from the creation of appealing content and the writing of newsletters to the generation of promotional codes. ‘This approach was very successful and was very well received by the customers,’ says the student. Another area that appealed to Anna-Lena was the collaboration with influencers. These were primarily Japanese and Danish creators. Raffles were also used. This approach proved to be successful in attracting the attention of the target group and positioning the brand optimally during the ‘hot phases’.

National flags, cycling and handball
Working in an international environment has encouraged Anna-Lena's openness. At the same time, she was able to improve her English skills - particularly in the area of business English. ‘This was not only invaluable for my professional development, but also for interpersonal communication,’ says Anna-Lena. She also likes to think back to the way people in Denmark thank each other for the day at the end of the working day: ‘Tak for i dag.’ And although Paderborn and Denmark are only nine hours apart by train, Anna-Lena was able to get to know a completely different culture: ‘It was impressive to see how intensely the Danish flag is celebrated: On birthdays, it is even placed on the table and there are napkins with the flag,’ Anna-Lena looks back. Her host family also had the flag in their garden. Another observation was the importance of cycling in Denmark: ‘The infrastructure is made for cyclists,’ says the Master's student. Anna-Lena was surprised by the country's great passion for handball: ‘When the Danes became world champions in 2023, we all gathered in front of the town hall to celebrate the success.’

Did the wish come true?
And now? What's next for Anna-Lena? She is currently studying for a dual Master's degree in Digital Humanities and Management. Anna-Lena is not yet sure whether she will go into marketing afterwards. ‘I'm thinking about gaining more experience in a German company to broaden my professional horizons,’ she says, explaining her plans. The areas of human resources and project management also appeal to her. Anna-Lena's wish to be able to look back on an instructive and enjoyable time at the end of her internship has definitely been fulfilled. ‘The opportunity to get to know people from all over the world and gain a lot of experience during the summer months, both professionally and personally, made this time particularly valuable for me.’

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Anna-Lena's time in Denmark