We are delighted that you are interested in a Master's degree programme at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Due to the specifics of some degree programmes or a reorientation between Bachelor's and Master's, it is not always possible to switch smoothly between degree programmes.

However, it is possible to catch up on missing prerequisites as long as these do not comprise more than 30 ECTS credits. In these cases, we speak of enrolment subject to conditions.

What is conditional enrolment?

Enrolment subject to conditions means that applicants are granted admission to the desired Master's degree programme, but at the same time conditions are imposed. The conditions include the missing study components for direct admission to the Master's programme. Students who are enrolled under conditions can study Master's modules as normal. At the same time, they can make up the missing study components from the Bachelor's programme. Proof of fulfilment of the conditions imposed must be submitted to the Admissions Office in a suitable form. A screenshot from PAUL, which includes all conditional modules, is sufficient for this purpose.

You can therefore decide for yourself how to combine your Master's degree programme with the fulfilment of the requirements. If your achievements in the Master's degree programme, including your module registrations, exceed 60 ECTS, no further registration for Master's modules is possible until the requirements have been met in full.

Which modules do I have to take?

The letter of admission that applicants receive will list the fields in which they do not have sufficient ECTS points. These are the requirements that must be completed in parallel with the Master's degree programme. Based on the letter of admission, applicants can decide for themselves which modules they would like to take within the various fields to fulfil the requirements. The names of the fields are analogous to the fields in the module catalogue. International students will find a list of English-language modules in the module catalogue under "Courses available in English for exchange students" and the academic year.

After enrolment in the Master's programme, you can register independently in PAUL for the modules you have chosen. If writing a Bachelor's thesis is one of your requirements, you must apply for a supervisor via the centralised thesis allocation procedure (except for Department 3).

If you are unsure whether a specific module is suitable for fulfilling the requirements, you can contact the Office of Student Affairs.

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