Programme-specific information on the M.Ed. Teaching degree at vocational colleges with a vocational specialisation in economics

FAQ - Mod­ules, fi­nal thes­is and semester abroad

It is possible to choose modules in PAUL with a workload of 10 ECTS according to the module handbook. You can easily take these modules as part of the business specialisation module, but will only receive 5 ECTS after successfully completing the module.

This applies to students who are studying according to the 2018 examination regulations.

Information on the compulsory modules and the ideal sequence of when each module should be taken can be found in the study plan in the appendix to the Examination Regulations 2018 / Examination Regulations 2022 for the vocational specialisation of Economics in the Master of Education Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges.

The modules that can be selected for the economics or business administration specialisation module can be found in the appendix to the examination regulations for the vocational specialisation in economics in the Master of Education Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges. Please also note any amendments to the regulations. Details on the modules mentioned as well as a complete list of all modules offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can be found in the module handbook. If you have any questions, please contact the Business Education Counselling team.

The following applies to students studying according to the 2018 examination regulations

Note on the economics specialisation module: It is possible to choose modules in PAUL whose workload comprises 10 ECTS according to the module handbook. You can still take these modules as part of the economics specialisation module without any problems, but you will only receive 5 ECTS after successfully completing the module.

Detailed information on the registration and deregistration of modules at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can be found here. For modules in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (starting with M.184.XXXX), registration for examinations (implicit examination registration) usually takes place automatically when you register for the module. Further examination registration is not required, but examination deregistration may be necessary.

The deregistration of examinations and coursework is carried out in PAUL in the "Studies" field. The "Exam administration" button in the left-hand menu bar takes you to the "My exams" field. All examinations for which you have already registered are listed here. You can deregister by clicking on the "Deregister" button.

It is also possible to deregister from exams after the end of the respective exam registration phase in PAUL. The cancellation period ends - as a rule - two days before the examination date. You can find the exact regulations on the cancellation deadlines for examinations in your examination regulations.

If you do not deregister from an examination in good time and do not take the examination, you must expect the examination to be graded 5.0.

Please note the information on writing your Master's thesis and on registration. It is important that you register in the centralised allocation system for theses at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics by the deadline .

You can spend a semester abroad at various partner universities. You can find detailed information at the International Office and in the overview of exchange opportunities at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the ASBE programme of our Faculty.

Re­cog­ni­tion of pre­vi­ous study and ex­am­in­a­tion achieve­ments

In principle, you are welcome to have previous study and examination achievements recognised, provided that they correspond in content and scope to those of Paderborn University. The joint examination board for teacher training programmes decides on credit transfer based on the recommendations of the subject representatives - in the case of the Master of Education with a vocational specialisation in Economics, this is Prof. Dr. Kremer as the person responsible for the degree programme.

However, a procedure has been established at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics that makes it possible to issue adequate credit transfer recommendations despite the breadth of the degree programme by having the respective module supervisor decide on the respective recommendation for credit transfer of a particular module.

The modules in the vocational specialisation of Economics in the Master of Education Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges and their descriptions can be found in the corresponding examination regulations 2018 / examination regulations 2022 under §38 as well as in the appendix to the examination regulations or in our module handbook.

Information from the PLAZ on the credit transfer procedure for previous study and examination achievements for the Master of Education as well as the necessary forms can be found here (for orientation: you are in step 2:"Contact the responsible subject representative").

A standardised procedure has been established at our faculty in order to enable transparent and professionally sound recommendations regarding the recognition of previous study and examination achievements:

1) The respective module coordinator of the module you wish to have credited decides on a recommendation for the crediting of previous study and examination achievements. The respective contacts for the individual modules are selected by the Student Advisory Service. Please send a transcript of records and, if available, module descriptions of the modules you have already completed to the Student Advisory Service(Jasmin Fuhrmann, Leonie Gotzeina & Leon Sauer) so that the Student Advisory Service can forward your recognition request to the respective module coordinators. The respective secretariats should then contact you and issue you with a recommendation for recognition. (You can find the relevant forms here - Important: The module coordinators sign the separate form! Forms 1 to 3, including the attachment to form 1, are to be signed exclusively by Prof. Dr. Kremer as the person responsible for the degree programme). Please bring all documents with you to these appointments that show the content and scope of your previous study and examination achievements - for example module descriptions, examination regulations, examinations, exercise sheets, etc. This individual case examination is usually not necessary for modules that have been successfully completed at Paderborn University - in this case you can contact the Business Education Counselling team directly with your credit transfer request.

2) Please submit the module coordinators' recommendations for credit transfer together with forms 1 to 3, including the attachment to form 1 and, if applicable, an informal document with your contact details to Ms Karin Heyen in our office. Alternatively, you are welcome to send the forms digitally to the Business Education Counselling team at . We will check and process your documents and get back to you as soon as you can collect them.

3) You submit forms 1 to 3 including the attachment to form 1 to the PLAZ, which forwards them to the joint examination board for the Bachelor's/Master's teacher training programmes (see step 3 of the PLAZ information ).

We would like to point out that the crediting procedure described above takes some time - we therefore ask you to allow sufficient time for the procedure so that you do not suffer any disadvantages if you start the crediting procedure late.

It is also possible for you to have a final thesis in economics or didactics from your previous Master's degree programme credited - please send this in PDF format to the Business Education Advisory Service team at so that they can refer you to the appropriate contact person after a brief thematic classification.

If you have any questions about the procedure or need help filling out the forms, please contact the Business Education Counselling team.

It is also possible for you to have a final thesis in economics or didactics from your Master's programme credited - please send it in PDF format to the Business Education Advisory Service team so that they can refer you to the appropriate contact person after a brief thematic classification.

Re­cog­ni­tion of study and ex­am­in­a­tion achieve­ments abroad

It is important that you contact the module coordinators in advance and arrange a consultation appointment. Please find out about the procedure for possible credit transfer before the consultation and bring the completed credit transfer form with you.

Before your achievements abroad can be recognised, it must be clarified at which university and within which framework you have completed your achievements:

- Does the foreign university belong to one of Paderborn's partner universities? If so, you should ideally have submitted a recognition form to the module coordinators BEFORE your semester abroad. This does not automatically lead to later recognition, as the credits earned must be checked again AFTER completion of the semester abroad. Please bring the recognition sheet and the recognition form to the module coordinators AFTER your semester abroad.

- If you have completed credits at another foreign university that is not a partner university, you must first prove that this university is also recognised as such in Germany. Please check this here. Please bring a copy of the status of the foreign university with you to an individual counselling interview with the Business Education Advice team at . All further details on the procedure will be clarified during the consultation.

Study counselling

Jasmin Fuhrmann

Wirtschaftspädagogik, insb. Hochschuldidaktik und -entwicklung

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Leonie Marie Gotzeina

Wirtschaftspädagogik, insb. Hochschuldidaktik und -entwicklung

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Fachstudienberatung Wirtschaftspädagogik

Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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