What is the Economics specialisation about?

In the economics specialisation, you will get to know the breadth of economics, both in terms of subject-specific science and subject-specific didactics.

The specialised science

In addition to fundamental theories and models of economics - including team composition, incentivisation, information distribution and company forms - you will also learn the basics of business administration. You will learn about the disciplines of marketing, human resources, organisation and management as well as accounting, taxation and financing. In economics , on the other hand, you will deal with the larger context of markets and their participants in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Furthermore, digitalisation is changing our economy and society in the long term, which is why the use of information systems is a recurring interface topic in our modules. You will also learn basic working techniques, which is why maths and statistics are also part of the economic fundamentals.

Subject didactics

In specialised didactics , you will learn how to prepare economic topics such as complex business processes for economics lessons at grammar schools and comprehensive schools and how to design them as learning units. To this end, you will develop a basic understanding of economics and economic education. Among other things, you will deal with curricula and questions of skills development and self-directed learning in economics lessons, learn about different methods of teaching economics and understand educational programme workas an interplay of lesson series, subject areas, teaching teams and learning fields.

The study programmes for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees

The study plan provides you with a good overview of your compulsory modules and electives. However, the chronological order shown here is only an example and may change depending on your individual specialisation.

Study plan for the Bach­el­or's pro­gramme with ex­ten­sion sub­ject

To the study programme pl

Study plan for the Mas­ter's pro­gramme with ex­ten­sion sub­ject

To the study programme pl

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact the Stu­dent Ad­vis­ory Ser­vice.

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Jasmin Fuhrmann

Wirtschaftspädagogik, insb. Hochschuldidaktik und -entwicklung

Fachstudienberatung - Studiengänge: B.Ed./M.Ed. Lehramt an Berufskollegs mit der beruflichen Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Erweiterungsfach Wirtschaftswissenschaft für BK; Erweiterungsfach Wirtschaft für GyGe; M.Ed./M.Sc. Wirtschaftspädagogik

Write email +49 5251 60-2366
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Leonie Marie Gotzeina

Wirtschaftspädagogik, insb. Hochschuldidaktik und -entwicklung

Fachstudienberatung (Sprechstunde Mi. 12-14 Uhr & Do. 13-15 Uhr)

Write email +49 5251 60-2390