From 28 to 30 August, researchers from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University met in Bad Arolsen to discuss their research in depth. This traditional annual event brings together both junior researchers and experienced professors and strengthens dialogue across disciplinary boundaries.
How is it possible to promote dialogue when methods as diverse as experimental, econometric, qualitative and theoretical approaches meet research questions from fields such as business law, business informatics, economics, business education or business administration? In randomly formed teams, regardless of status or department, creative approaches were taken: a city rally, a pub quiz and a guessing game in which participants had to guess true and false statements broke the ice and created space for open dialogue.
In addition to these informal activities, the focus was also on traditional programme items: young scientists presented 26 research projects in ten lectures and two poster sessions. One highlight was the panel on publication strategies, moderated by Prof Dr Caren Sureth-Sloane, which provided practical insights into the requirements of scientific publications. Innovative formats such as "Paper Therapy" and randomly formed discussion pairs, which specifically addressed research problems, were also well received.
"In the faculty, I have repeatedly observed that academics talk more often about university politics, teaching problems or even football than about their research," says Prof Dr Wendelin Schnedler, then Vice Dean for Research at the faculty. "I had the impression that the workshop had actually succeeded in stimulating conversations about research."
With over 70 participants, including 15 professors, the faculty research workshop was a complete success. It once again showed that interdisciplinary exchange is also successful across disciplinary boundaries and strengthens cooperation within the Faculty.