Teaching award for special commitment to teaching

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics calls for proposals for the Teaching Award for Lecturers to recognise outstanding achievements in teaching. The award is intended to create positive incentives to engage in good university teaching and to contribute to strengthening the quality of teaching and studies at Paderborn University. In addition to recognising teaching commitment and achievements in the field of teaching, the focus is particularly on outstanding commitment and enthusiasm on the part of teaching staff.

Notes on the pro­ced­ure

  • Innovative forms of teaching
  • Forms of involvement in teaching (by junior academics or teaching teams)
  • Enthusiasm of the teaching staff
  • Expertise of the teaching staff
  • Creation of a special counselling and support service for students
  • Other measures to improve studying and teaching
  • In the case of the subject-related teaching award, additionally: the subject-related and/or methodological proximity to the specified subject area
  • Modules from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can be nominated
  • Institution of a committee by the Academic Advisory Board in consultation with the Dean's Office
  • Assessment of the nominations by the Academic Advisory Board and subsequent decision on the awarding of the teaching prize
  • Re-election is possible after three years, provided that a new specialisation is included in the justification
  • Modules and the associated teaching staff are nominated (self-nominations are also possible)
  • Nominations for the year 2023 can be submitted up to and including 17 August 2023 via this form or as an informal text to the Dean of Studies, Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller(s.mueller@upb.de). Legal recourse is excluded.



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