"Job Info Day" on 24 Feb­ru­ary at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

 |  Events

Rotary clubs, Paderborn Employment Agency and Paderborn University invite you to campus

The four Rotary clubs from Paderborn, the Paderborn Employment Agency and the Paderborn University are once again hosting a careers information day on the campus on Warburger Straße on Saturday, 24 February. Around 50 speakers from a wide range of professions - Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike - will be presenting a broad spectrum of activities to help with career and study guidance.

The programme includes lectures, seminars and individual counselling sessions. Employees from the Paderborn Employment Agency will be available to provide information, while the Paderborn University's Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) will provide information on individual degree programmes. The Paderborn Student Union will provide information about student financing options such as BAföG, scholarships and student loans.

The seminars, in which experienced experts, job professionals and trainees talk about their careers, will take place at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 12 noon. The professions range from architecture to medicine and the public sector.

Each event will be repeated three times at different times. Interested parties can ask questions about training content or career opportunities after the presentations. Speakers from the individual professions will also be available for personal discussions. The Job Info Day ends with a big prize draw at around 1 pm.

All information is available at: https://www.job-infotag.com/

Photo (Paderborn University, Tanja Dittmann): Looking forward to many visitors: Prof. Dr Birgitt Riegraf (President Paderborn University), Patrick Wilk (President Rotary Club Paderborn) Dr Gerhard Sandmann (President Rotary Club Paderborn-Kaiserpfalz), Thomas Rimpel (President Rotary Club Paderborn-Bürener-Land) and Heinz Thiele (Managing Director Paderborn Employment Agency).