Recognition of performance

If you would like to study abroad, you must conclude a Learning Agreement with the faculty in advance. This is the only way that credits earned abroad can later be recognised at your home university. On these pages you will find general information on how to draw up your (Digital) Learning Agreement (DLA). Please take note of this faculty-specific information to ensure that your DLA is drawn up successfully and without any problems.


Are you spending your stay abroad at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities? Then you will find everything you need to know about the recognition of credits here.

Learn more

World­wide and Free­mover

Are you spending your stay abroad at a partner university outside Europe or have you decided to study abroad outside our cooperation network? Then you will find all the information you need on the recognition of credits here.

Learn more

Forms of re­cog­ni­tion

Con­tain­er mod­ules "Spe­cial mod­ules"

If it is a course that can be recognised but for which there is no direct equivalent at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, recognition is given as a container module ("special module") intended for this purpose.

Sub­ject areas

If it is a course for which there is a corresponding module at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in terms of content and scope, recognition is given for this corresponding module ("subject module").

Re­cog­ni­tion not pos­sible

Courses will not be recognised if the associated skills acquisition does not meet the requirements of the degree programme or if this cannot be proven by the provision of appropriate documentation.

Re­cog­ni­tion of Erasmus+ achieve­ments

If the courses are from partner universities of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics or universities in the European Higher Education Area, recognition is often easy. The prerequisite is that the selected courses can be meaningfully assigned to your degree programme and study period.

Please only use the Paderborn University's Learning Agreement forms, which are made available to you by the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (supplementary sheet) and in the Erasmus+ Dashboard (Digital Learning Agreement). Only the official and current forms can be accepted.

Important: The courses planned at the partner university must have a scope of at least 25 ECTS per semester. This can also include non-subject-specific courses (language courses, regional studies seminars, etc.).
After the mobility, you must be able to prove that you have successfully completed at least 15 ECTS per semester on your ToR at the partner university. If this is not the case, you may have to repay your Erasmus+ grant.

Please note: According to §7(6) of the Bachelor's examination regulations, modules started at Paderborn University may not be completed abroad. This means that if you have already attempted an examination in a module, it is no longer possible to have this module recognised from abroad.

Step by step to the Learn­ing Agree­ment - Erasmus+

The Learning Agreement A contains the (provisional) course selection at the partner university and the recognition of these courses at Paderborn University . The document must be completed and signed by all parties involved before the start of your mobility.

Provision of documents:

It is the responsibility of the student as applicant to provide all documents required for the recognition assessment. If no meaningful documents can be provided in advance, it is advisable to collect them during the stay abroad and to have them recognised subsequently via the Learning Agreement B "During the Mobility".

Important: Please note that the subsequent submission of course documents (outlines, course descriptions, transcripts, etc.) may always be required for subsequent recognition, i.e. after the stay abroad.

Finalisation of the Learning Agreement:

1. course selection

Search the module handbook of the foreign university for suitable courses that you would like to take.

2. allocation of the courses

Assign the courses to a department of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics according to their content focus. Please note the special regulations for IBS language courses. These require a separate "Learning Agreement IBS Languages".

3. register

Enter the courses and their departmental assignment in the supplementary sheet to the Learning Agreement.

4. submit

Submit all documents required for assessment to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Please send the following documents in an appropriate digital form (PDF files/scans as PDF files, no photos) to mobility(at)wiwi.uni-paderborn.uni-paderborn(dot)de. Please send all files as individual PDFs (for syllabi, please send the original and translation, if necessary, together for each course).

5. decision

The decision on recognition will be certified on the basis of the appropriate documents submitted.

6 Digital Learning Agreement

The Internationalisation Office will inform you as soon as the course assessment has been completed and will send you an overview of your recognition confirmations and a form to help you complete the Digital Learning Agreement.

7 Mobility Online

Create the Digital Learning Agreement via Mobility Online (using the completion guide), sign it and send it off.

8. finished

The Learning Agreement is checked for accuracy and made available to you in the online dashboard

*Name them as follows:
*Document title*_surname (for Syllabi instead of surname if available please use course number). Document titles would be e.g. Learning Agreement A, supplementary sheet, transcript of records, ...
Incomplete or qualitatively insufficient documents cannot be accepted and will lead to a delay in processing.


Specifically, we require the following for the Learning Agreement

  • Supplement to the Learning Agreement (application for module examination/exceptional changes)
  • (Learning Agreement IBS Languages, if applicable)
  • Proof of performance from the examination office (a screenshot is not sufficient)
  • Syllabi/course descriptions of all the courses you have chosen abroad, showing the course content and the number of ECTS credits/workload. The original course descriptions of the partner university must be provided and, if the language of instruction differs from English or German, additional translations into English/German in a document with the original. All syllabi should be sent as individual PDF files.

The Learning Agreement B is only necessary if courses have changed compared to the Learning Agreement A and therefore require new recognition by the faculty. The Learning Agreement B contains changes to the course selection at the partner university as well as the changed recognition of these courses at Paderborn University. The document must be drawn up within seven weeks of the start of the mobility (start of lectures) and signed by all parties involved.

Completion of the Learning Agreement:

1. allocation of courses

Assign the courses you have chosen to a department of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics according to their content focus

2. register

Enter the courses and their departmental assignment in the supplementary sheet to the Learning Agreement. Only the newly selected courses or courses that are to be re-examined should be entered on the supplementary sheet.

3. submission

Send all documents required for the assessment to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics:

  • Supplement to the Learning Agreement (Application for Module Examination/Exceptional Changes)

  • Syllabi/course descriptions of the new courses to be examined abroad, showing the course content and the number of ECTS/workload

4. digital learning agreement

The Internationalisation Office will inform you as soon as the course examination has been completed and will send you an overview of your recognition confirmations and a form to help you complete the Digital Learning Agreement.

5 Mobility Online

Create the Digital Learning Agreement using the form, sign it and send it off.

6. finished

The Learning Agreement is checked for accuracy and made available to you in the online dashboard.

The Learning Agreement "After the Mobility" contains an overview of the examinations you have taken at the partner university and their recognition at Paderborn University.

Completion of the Learning Agreement:

1. fill in

Download the credit transfer form and enter the data. Fill in the left part of the table, the right part will be filled in by the recogniser. Always specify exactly in which study area of your PAUL credit account the recognised module is to be booked. You can make a note of this in the "Recognition for the module" field if enough space is left for the recogniser's entries. Ideally, you should enter the fields to the left of the table or on a separate sheet.

Note for the IBS degree programme: In the case of recognition of language courses, the recognition form must be submitted independently to the language lecturers in advance in order to obtain signatures.

2. documents

Please note that for subsequent recognition, i.e. after the stay abroad, the subsequent submission of course documents (outlines, course descriptions, transcripts, ...) may always be required.
This applies in principle to recognition in Department 2 (Taxation, Accounting and Finance) and Department 6 (Law) , which require the submission of all course documents (presentations, exercises, seminar papers, etc.) for recognition after the stay abroad. Please also send these documents by e-mail to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

3. registration in PAUL

Submit the completed and signed credit transfer form together with the PDF scan of your Learning Agreement, which you received from the Internationalisation Office ("Gesamtübersicht", filename: LA Out_...), as well as the Transcript of Records of the foreign university to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. To verify your ToR, you will need the email in which you received the transcript of records or a screenshot from the online portal from which you were able to download it.

The documents will then be sent internally to the Examinations Office and recorded in PAUL. The Internationalisation Office will inform you when the documents have been forwarded to the Examinations Office.

Achieve­ment re­cog­ni­tion world­wide and free­movers

If the courses are from partner universities of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics or universities in the European Higher Education Area, recognition is often easy. The prerequisite is that the selected courses can be meaningfully assigned to your degree programme and study period.

Please only use the Paderborn University Learning Agreement forms provided by the Internationalisation Office for Economics (supplementary sheet). Only the official and current forms can be accepted.

Please note: According to §7(6) of the Bachelor's examination regulations, modules started at Paderborn University may not be completed abroad. This means that if you have already attempted an examination in a module, recognition of this module from abroad is no longer possible.

Step by step to the Learn­ing Agree­ment - world­wide

The Learning Agreement A contains the (provisional) course selection at the partner university and the recognition of these courses at Paderborn University . The document must be completed and signed by all parties involved before the start of your mobility.

Provision of documents:

It is the responsibility of the student as applicant to provide all documents required for the recognition assessment. If no meaningful documents can be provided in advance, it is advisable to collect them during the stay abroad and to have them recognised subsequently via the Learning Agreement B "During the Mobility".

Important: Please note that the subsequent submission of course documents (outlines, course descriptions, transcripts, etc.) may always be required for subsequent recognition, i.e. after the stay abroad.

Finalisation of the Learning Agreement:

1. course selection

Search the module handbook of the foreign university for suitable courses that you would like to take.

2. allocation of the courses

Assign the courses to a department of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics according to their content focus. Please note the special regulations for IBS language courses. These require a separate "Learning Agreement IBS Languages".

3. registration

Enter the courses and their departmental assignment in the supplementary sheet to the Learning Agreement.

4. fill in Complete the Learning Agreement appropriate for your mobility programme. Important: Please only enter the courses you have chosen abroad in the Learning Agreement. The assignment ("Recognition at the Sending Institution") will be made by the faculty.

5. submission

Submit all documents required for assessment to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Please send the following documents in an appropriate digital form (PDF files/scans as PDF files, no photos) to mobility(at)wiwi.uni-paderborn.uni-paderborn(dot)de. Please send all files as individual PDFs (for syllabi, please send the original and translation, if necessary, together for each course).

6. decision

The decision on recognition will be certified on the basis of the appropriate documents submitted.

7. ready

The Internationalisation Office will inform you as soon as the Learning Agreement has been finally signed and will return the document to you by e-mail.

*Name it as follows:
*Document title*_surname (for Syllabi please use course number instead of surname if available). Document titles would be e.g. Learning Agreement A, supplementary sheet, transcript of records, ...
Incomplete or qualitatively insufficient documents cannot be accepted and will lead to a delay in processing.

Specifically, we require the following for the Learning Agreement

  • Supplement to the Learning Agreement (Application for Module Examination/Exceptional Changes
  • Learning Agreement
  • (Learning Agreement IBS Languages)
  • Proof of performance from the Examination Office (a screenshot is not sufficient)
  • Syllabi/course descriptions of all the courses you have chosen abroad, showing the course content and the number of ECTS/workload. The original course descriptions of the partner university must be provided and, if the language of instruction differs from English or German, also translations into English/German in a document with the original. Send all syllabi as single PDF documents.
  • Students going abroad as free movers must also submit documents to the university. Compile this information in a bundled document and provide information with official references (links to official university websites). As a minimum, this should include
    • General information about the university (university/university of applied sciences, state/private ...),
    • Information on the selected faculty, the study programme and the responsible lecturers, calculation of the scope of the course (incl. workload in hours) and grade conversion

The Learning Agreement B is only necessary if courses have changed compared to the Learning Agreement A and therefore require new recognition by the faculty. The Learning Agreement B contains changes to the course selection at the partner university as well as the changed recognition of these courses at Paderborn University. The document must be drawn up within seven weeks of the start of the mobility (start of lectures) and signed by all parties involved.

Completion of the Learning Agreement:

1. allocation of courses

Assign the courses you have chosen to a department of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics according to their content focus

2. register

Enter the courses and their departmental assignment in the supplementary sheet to the Learning Agreement. Only the newly selected courses or courses that are to be re-examined should be entered on the supplementary sheet.

3. fill in

Fill in the field of module changes including deselected courses in the Learning Agreement ("Exceptional changes").

4. submit

Send all the documents required for assessment to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics:

  • Supplement to the Learning Agreement (Application for Module Examination/Exceptional Changes)
  • Learning Agreement (incl. "Exceptional changes")
  • Syllabi/course descriptions of the new courses to be examined abroad,


    the course content and the number of ECTS/workload

5. ready

The Internationalisation Office will inform you as soon as the Learning Agreement has been finally signed.

The Learning Agreement "After the Mobility" contains an overview of the examinations you have taken at the partner university and their recognition at Paderborn University.

Completion of the Learning Agreement:

1. fill in

Download the credit transfer form and enter the data. Fill in the left part of the table, the right part will be filled in by the recogniser. Always specify exactly in which study area of your PAUL credit account the recognised module is to be booked. You can make a note of this in the "Recognition for the module" field if enough space is left for the recogniser's entries. Ideally, you should enter the fields to the left of the table or on a separate sheet.

Note for the IBS degree programme: In the case of recognition of language courses, the recognition form must be submitted independently to the language lecturers in advance in order to obtain signatures.

2. documents

Please note that for subsequent recognition, i.e. after the stay abroad, the subsequent submission of course documents (outlines, course descriptions, transcripts, ...) may always be required.
This applies in principle to recognition in Department 2 (Taxation, Accounting and Finance) and Department 6 (Law) , which require the submission of all course documents (presentations, exercises, seminar papers, etc.) for recognition after the stay abroad. Please also send these documents by e-mail to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

3. registration in PAUL

Submit the completed and signed credit transfer form together with the PDF scan of your Learning Agreement, which you received from the Internationalisation Office ("Gesamtübersicht", filename: LA Out_...), as well as the Transcript of Records of the foreign university to the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. To verify your ToR, you will need the email in which you received the transcript of records or a screenshot from the online portal from which you were able to download it.

The documents will then be sent internally to the Examinations Office and recorded in PAUL. The Internationalisation Office will inform you when the documents have been forwarded to the Examinations Office.

Grade con­ver­sion tables world­wide

Burkina Faso:

  • University of Ouagadougou


Important documents and office hours

All important documents for the Learning Agreement can be found here. The Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is always available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. for questions about the Learning Agreement and recognition of achievements.

Con­tact us

Internationalisierungszentrum Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

The Office of International Affairs at the faculty supports all incoming and outgoing students in academic matters.

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Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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