TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Rüdi­ger Hahn: Ven­ture Cap­it­al Fund­ing in the Afric­an Con­text: A Mixed-Meth­od Study of Evolving Eco­sys­tems and Fin­an­cial Dis­crim­in­a­tion

Location: Q 5.245

TRR 266/TAFResearch Seminar

On January 28, 2025, we had the pleasure of hosting Rüdiger Hahn from Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf in our  TRR 266/TAFResearch Seminar at the TAF department at Paderborn University. He has present the paper "Venture Capital Funding in the African Context: A Mixed-Method Study of Evolving Ecosystems and Financial Discrimination ".

Rüdiger is a well-renowned sustainability scholar whose research often focuses on topics at the interplay of sustainability and accounting & finance. To give an example of this research, he presented the project "Venture Capital Funding in the African Context: A Mixed-Method Study of Evolving Ecosystems and Financial Discrimination". The paper is co-authored with Christian Kabengele.