3MT win­ner Emma Hufker

The Effectiveness of Tax Exemptions for International Development NGOs

3MT fi­nal­ist Flori­an Padelt

Generational dynamics in the perception of flexible work and its influence on talent retention

3MT fi­nal­ist Fe­lix Worzis­chek

The Impact of UGC Marketing on Travelers’ Booking Decisions in Tourism

Ex­­­posé win­ner Mar­i­ella Hem­minga

The effects of AI on underrepresented groups in recruitment processes

Ex­­­posé fi­nal­ist Max Weber

The European AI Act and its shortcomings in safeguarding young individuals from deepfakes

Ex­­­posé fi­nal­ist Kira Sen­tker

The EU Taxonomy for sustainable investments: An analysis of its alignment with greenwashing assessment tools