With a New Double Mas­ter Study Pro­gram Pader­born stu­dents can gain Asi­an com­pet­ences

 |  PressemitteilungenInternationalesInternationales

In addition to the Transfer Program with the State University of Illinois, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics offers a second Double Master Program, starting in the winter semester 2015/16.

This new Double Master enables students studying for an MSc. in “International Economics and Management” at Paderborn to simultaneously enrol on the “Global Program in Economics and Management” of the Graduate School of Economics and Management (GSEM) at the University of Tohoku in Sendai (Japan). On successful completion of their studies students are awarded the Master degree from both universities.

The study program is set out so that students will spend their first and forth semester at their home university, and their second and third semester at the partner university. Tuition fees for students from Paderborn are waived during their two-semester stay in Japan.

A key feature of the program is the staggered intake of students from each university. So while Paderborn students start in the Winter Semester, their counterparts at GSEM in Japan will have started in the preceding Summer Semester. This structure allows for a deliberate overlap, so that students will always study alongside their colleagues from the previous as well as from the subsequent program cycle.

“Thus the Paderborn students, for example, have the opportunity to meet in their first semester their Japanese counterparts from Tohoku who will be one semester ahead. When starting their second semester at the Japanese partner university, they will meet the Tohoku students who are due to come to Paderborn in the following semester. In their third semester, the Paderborn students will study with the Tohoku students whom they will have got to know in their first semester in Paderborn. On their return to Paderborn they will study their forth semester with the Tohoku students from their second semester in Japan”, explained Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, the coordinator of the Double Master Program. He is convinced that “this system will optimise excellent reciprocal support of participants, a high level of information exchange, and the potential fostering of a group identity and thus set the foundation of an international network.”

For students enrolled on the Masters Study Program “International Economics and Management” or those considering enrolling, there will be an information session in the winter semester 2015/16.

Further Information about the Double Master Program

After 18 months of negotiations the agreement for a Double Master program between the universities of Paderborn and Tohoku was finally signed in August 2015, in time for being launched during the winter semester 2015/16. In each study year there will be three places, respectively, for students on the MSc “International Economics and Management” at Paderborn University, and for those on the “Global Program in Economics and Management” of GSEM at the University of Tohoku. The program’s joint Coordinators are Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut (University of Paderborn) and Prof. Dr. Kenji Mori (University of Tohoku).

The aim of the program is that the study credits achieved in either university will be recognised by the home university.

The additional credits that students on the Double Master program have to gain are: Japanese / German language at the partner university, a completed and presented piece of project work at the University of Tohoku (for Paderborn students), and a written Master dissertation at Paderborn University for the Tohoku students.

<link https: wiwi.uni-paderborn.de wiwiunipaderborndewipo jungblut team prof-dr-stefan-jungblut>Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, Tel: 05251 60-2112. Email: <link>stefan.jungblut(at)upb(dot)de

The students Kathrin Knaup and Vanessa Schlegel are excited about the opportunity to study at Tohoku University. “The faculty’s promotion of language skills and the exemption from tuition fees at one of the best universities of Japan is a great support.” The Faculty’s Representative for International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, is in charge of the new Double Master Program with Tohoku University (l. to r.).