A warm welcome...

...on the pages of the Chair of Finance.

The Chair of Finance has been held by Dr. Philipp Klein since 01 October 2023.



Klausure­insicht­en WS 23/24 I Dr. Phil­ipp Klein

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Vor­trag: Dr. Phil­ipp Klein I Con­fer­ence of the Fin­an­cial In­ter­me­di­ation Re­search So­ci­ety (FIRS), Ber­lin, Ger­many

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Vor­trag: Dr. Phil­ipp Klein I 46th An­nu­al Con­gress of the European Ac­count­ing As­so­ci­ation (EAA), Bucharest, Ro­mania

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28.08.2024 - 30.08.2024

Par­ti­cip­a­tion and present­a­tion at fac­ulty re­search work­shop

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12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024

21st Cor­por­ate Fin­ance Days, KU Leuven

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Teach­ing pro­gramme

► Bachelor´s Degree





Modul name





M.184.2201 Risk Management




Klein, P.


► Master´s Degree





Modul name





M.184.4201 Finanical Engineering

WS / SoSe



Klein, P.


M.184.4202 Seminar "Textual Information and Financial Markets"




Klein, P.


M.184.4203 Empirical Methods in Finance




Klein, P.

Students of the B.Sc. in Economics and the B.Sc. in International Business Studies have been able to specialise in "Taxation, Accounting and Finance" since 2015.

The specialisation is documented by the addition of "with Taxation, Accounting and Finance specialisation" on the degree certificate.

Further information on the TAF specialisation (B.Sc.) can be found here.

The internationalisation office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics centrally coordinates the agreement of Learning Agreements and the recognition of academic achievements abroad for modules in the field of "Taxation, Accounting & Finance (TAF)" in Department 2. All relevant information can be found here.


Fi­nal theses

(Kopie 2)

Bachelor's and Master's theses are allocated via the central allocation procedure of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, in which the Chair of Finance also participates. Information on this allocation procedure as well as the dates and deadlines for the online application phase can be found here.

The impact of the ECB asset purchase programmes on asset prices - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive, empirical

The impact of the ECB's monetary policy measures on the share prices of credit institutions - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive, empirical


The impact of the ECB's interest rate policy on the German property market - is there a property price bubble?

Method: theoretical, descriptive

The influence of interest rates on the lending business of banks - a critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


The impact of the low interest rate environment on bank profitability - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive, empirical

Bank-based and market-based financing of European companies - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


Sustainability in lending - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive

Risks of climate change for financial market stability - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive, empirical


Predicting share prices on the basis of earnings calls - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive

The role of textual information on the pricing of securities - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


Asset pricing using machine learning - A critical analysis of current approaches

Method: theoretical, descriptive

Use of artificial intelligence in the lending business - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


The role of covered bonds in the refinancing of European banks - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive, empirical

Motives and drivers of the issuance of securitisation transactions - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


The influence of the use of internal credit risk models on the regulatory capital ratio of banks - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive, empirical

The relationship between news and stock returns - A critical analysis considering social media - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


The estimation of credit default probabilities - A comparative analysis of different methods

Method: theoretical, descriptive

Factors influencing the loss given default of property loans - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive


The role of regional disparities in explaining differences in credit risk - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive

The role of bank liquidity risk in the 2008/2009 financial crisis - A critical analysis

Method: theoretical, descriptive

The team of the professorship

Julia Klimeck

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft

More about the person

Dr. Philipp Klein


More about the person

Con­tact us


Faculty of Business Administration and Economics - Department 2: Taxation, Accounting and Finance

Room Q5.113
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
05251 / 60 - 4469 Directions