PRIME: Prof. Nik Has­san (Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota Du­luth) “From Tinker­ing with Mod­els to En­ga­ging with The­ory“

Location: Q0.425
Organizer: Department Wirtschaftsinformatik

Im Rahmen des PRIME (Paderborn Research Colloquium on Information Management & Engineering) begrüßt das Department Wirtschaftsinformatik Prof. Nik Hassan (Labovitz School of Business and Economics, University of Minnesota Duluth). Wir laden alle Interessierten zu seinem Vortrag „From Tinkering with Models to Engaging with Theory“ ein.

Prof. Nik Hassan wird über seinen Vortrag hinaus zwei halbtägige Workshops zu den Themen „Enhancing Research Writing“ und „Journey of Theorizing“ anbieten, zu denen separate Einladungen ergehen.


Prof. Hassan will present an unpublished research paper focusing on why frameworks and models are not theories and how to engage with theory to formulate novel, native theories. Key elements of his presentation include products of theorizing; native IS theories; the difference between a model and a theory; theories, laws, and principles; the risk of models; the nature vs. the goals of theories.

Short bio:

Nik Hassan is a Professor of MIS and Business Analytics in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He received a BSc in Actuarial Science from City University, London, UK, and an MBA and PhD in Information Systems from the University of North Texas, USA. Prof. Hassan's research interests include the philosophical and theoretical foundations of information systems, information systems development and software engineering, social network analysis, data analytics, scientometrics, and complexity. He has published his research in numerous prestigious journals, including Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, DATABASE Advances in Information Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Management, Journal of Information Systems Education, Review of Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Electronic Finance, and Informing Science Journal.

©Nik Hassan
