Pader­born Uni­ver­sity rep­res­en­ted at 7th In­ter­na­tion­al Stu­dent For­um in Seoul

 |  PressemitteilungenInternationalesInternationales

Four students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics from the University of Paderborn, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, participated in the 7th “International Students Forum” held on 10-13 August 2015. This year’s event was hosted by the EWHA School of Business of the eponymous EWHA Womans University in Seoul, South Korea.

Participants in the International Students Forum came from seven universities and six nations. Apart from the host, the EWHA Womans University (South Korea), the other universities represented at the forum were the Oita University (Japan) - another partner university of Paderborn University - Kyushu Sangyo University (Japan), the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Vietnam), the Chiang Mai University (Thailand) and the Shenzhen University (China).

Paderborn’s Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is a founding member of this biennial “International Students Forum”, one of the pillars of the Faculty’s internationalization activities.

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The overarching themes of this year’s presentations and discussions at the forum were “Entrepreneurship, Corporate Innovation, and Social/Economic Fairness”, accompanied by a cultural program with traditional music and dance. Among the highlights was an excursion to AmorePacific, one of the most dynamic South Korean companies in the cosmetic industry, and a guided exploration of the country’s capital, Seoul.

The purpose of this gathering of students from different countries and economic regions is to share and discuss important economic and societal issues, as well as to engage in an intercultural exchange. This fosters both academic cooperation and friendships between individuals, and strengthens links between participating institutions.

One of the successful outcomes of this concept is the close cooperation between EWHA Womans University and the University of Paderborn, which is reflected for example in the long-standing cooperation on the study program “Asian Studies in Business and Economics” (ASBE) which is organized each year by Prof. Dr. Peter F. E. Sloane and is the occasion of a reciprocal exchange between the universities. It is also worth noting that the current Dean of the EWHA School of Business, Prof. Seong Kook Kim has long been connected with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the University of Paderborn to which he has been a regular visitor over the years.

The broad spectrum of academic and cultural aspects of the Forum’s program and the meeting of participants from the different universities, countries and cultures afforded the students from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics a unique opportunity to get glimpses, in the space of a few days, of varied aspects of the economy and culture of the Asian region.

<link https: wiwiunipaderborndewipo jungblut team prof-dr-stefan-jungblut>Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, Tel. 05251 60-2112. Email: <link>stefan.jungblut(at)upb(dot)de

Welcome photo with Prof. Dr. Seong Kook Kim (mid of 3rd row), Dean of Ewha School of Business, Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut (same row), and participants of the 7th “International Students Forum” at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. Participating students from Paderborn are Lars Gelißen, Kyra Platz, Maria Menne (back row from left) und Thuy Trang Phan Thi (outer right).