Fujitsu holds an open day to Ja­pan­ese stu­dents as part of the Sum­mer School in IT Man­age­ment at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

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The growing role of Information and Communications Technologies in today’s society lies at the heart of this year’s Summer School in IT Management organised for the third consecutive year by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University for students from the University of Tohoku.

Following an introduction to Paderborn, the University and a program of lectures on language, culture, and IT Management, the Japanese students were given the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of cultural, strategic and technical aspects of the firm FUJITSU by visiting the Paderborn subsidiary last Monday.

The day-long visit involved meeting top managers and staff from different sections of the company branch. A guided tour through the production and development departments, specifically those dedicated to servers and IT storage products, directly enhanced the students’ subject knowledge in Economy. As a world-leading IT company, FUJITSU took pride in describing its Quality Assurance approach to the visiting students.

“We are very interested in young, highly qualified talents with German-Japanese intercultural experiences of the kind that participants in the Summer School in IT Management are able to gain”, Dr. Jürgen Schrage, Manager of ‘Product Management& Development – Future Lab’ explained.

Students not only benefited from FUJITSU staff’s expert knowledge on information and telecommunications. They were also able to discuss and explore, through presentations and workshops, the company’s business strategies, market development and intercultural cooperation, as well as the manifold career opportunities open to students in the context of this globally active IT business.

Summer School participant Shota Sato expressed his satisfaction: “We got really valuable insights about business practices with today’s comprehensive and intensive visit to FUJITSU. We now very much look forward to this weekend’s sightseeing. Yesterday we visited the Westphalian Open Air Museum in Detmold, and next weekend we are off to Cologne. But first of all, tomorrow, we start our lecture series in our specialist study subjects.”

Further information

FUJITSU Central Europe (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) is a leading provider of integrated information and telecommunication solutions. The company’s headquarters are in Munich and offer a comprehensive portfolio of technologies and services which ranges from IT terminals to data centres, Managed and Maintenance Services, cloud solutions and outsourcing. In the Central Europe Region Fujitsu employed around 2,800 employees in the year 2014 (to 31 March 2015) and generated a turnover of 1.8 Million Euro.

In Germany Fujitsu develops and produces notebooks, PCs, Thin Clients, servers, storage systems as well as mainboards and operated high security data centres. With around 10,300 channel partners, of which 8,000 in Germany, 1,800 in Austria and 500 in Switzerland, Fujitsu runs one of the highest performing partner networks in the industry. For more information: <link http: de>

About the Cooperation with Tohoku

A university of global renown, the University of Tohoku is a key partner in the Asia network of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the University of Paderborn. The partnership was instigated by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in 2011 and has in the last two years been extended across Paderborn University.

The first Summer School in IT Management was offered to Japanese students in 2013 by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the University of Paderborn, and has turned into an annual event. The program includes lectures from the University’ Business IT (Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl, Dr. Kostja Siefen), Economics (Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut) and Management (Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider) Departments. Local companies dSPACE and FUJITSU provide the practical inputs into the program.

In 2015 the cooperation between Paderborn and Tohoku universities intensified with the launch of a Double Master’s Program. In total, each year up to ten exchange places are open to students from Paderborn University to study at the University of Tohoku. Since the partnership has started, over 15 academics and almost 80 students from Tohoku have visited Paderborn.

Detailed information about the 3rd Summer School in IT Management can be found at: <link http: en international incoming short-term-students summer-schools summer-school-it-management-2015>

<link https: wiwiunipaderborndewipo jungblut team prof-dr-stefan-jungblut>Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, Tel: 05251 60-2112, Email: <link>stefan.jungblut(at)upb(dot)de
