dSPACE warmly wel­comes the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born’s Ja­pan­ese Sum­mer School guests.

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This year’s Summer School on IT Management welcomes to Paderborn 14 Japanese students from the University of Tohoku in Japan. The Summer School, now in its third year, is a joint venture between the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the University of Paderborn and its Japanese partner university. The Summer School was launched on Friday with a visit to IT company dSPACE, to be followed over the next three weeks by a program of lectures on IT Management, and more visits to local firms.

This is the third time that dSPACE opened its doors to guests from Tohoku, allowing the students to gain valuable insights into the company’s global business operation and product development. A lively discussion with Marketing Director Bernd Schäfers-Maiwald showed that the visiting students’ interests extended well beyond their specialist area of IT Management. Students were curious to find out how this world-leading, medium-sized company tackles the intercultural challenges and differences in working cultures arising in its activities worldwide.

A guided tour through specialist departments gave the students a closer look at implementation stages of product development. They even got experience hands-on by taking part in a vehicle simulation.

“Such insights into the actual workings of companies have always proven to be a very popular and effective introduction to the Summer School’s program of lectures”, explained Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut, the Coordinator of the Summer School in IT Management. The program includes topical input from the University’s Business IT (Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl, Dr. Kostja Siefen), Economics (Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut) and Management (Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider) Departments.

dSPACE marketing director Schäfers-Maiwald added: “dSPACE is always eager to promote scientific and technological subjects with young people. Being able to share our enthusiasm and experience with Japanese visitors is a real privilege. So we are very pleased to be able to participate in this stimulating intercultural exchange organised each year by the University of Paderborn.”

About dSPACE:

dSPACE GmbH develops and sells integrated hardware and software tools for developing and testing electronic control devices und mechatronic control systems. dSPACE systems are primarily found in the automobile industry as well as in propulsion technology, the aerospace industry, and other industrial branches. Nearly all major car manufacturers and suppliers count amongst its clients. With over 1,200 employees worldwide, three branches in Germany and local companies in the USA, the UK, France, Japan and China, dSPACE’s largest site is in Paderborn.

For more information see <link http: www.dspace.de>www.dspace.de

About the University of Paderborn’s Cooperation with Tohoku University:

A university of global renown, the University of Tohoku is a key partner in the Asia network of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the University of Paderborn. The partnership was instigated by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in 2011 and since 2013 has been extended across the entire University of Paderborn. The cooperation was further deepened with the creation of a Double Masters Program in 2015. Each year up to ten foreign exchange positions are open to students from the University of Paderborn to study at the University of Tohoku. Since the start of the partnership, more than 15 visiting academics and almost 80 students from Tohoku have visited Paderborn.

Detailed information on the Summer School “IT Management” can be found online: <link http: www.wiwi.upb.de international incoming short-term-students summer-schools summer-school-it-management-2015>www.wiwi.upb.de/international/incoming/short-term-students/summer-schools/summer-school-it-management-2015/