Double Mas­ter Pro­gram of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and To­hoku Uni­ver­sity





In­form­a­tion for In­com­ings

In general, students have to fulfill study requirements of both master programs. The first and fourth semester take place at the home university, while the second and third semester take place at the host university.

Study achievements that need to be completed abroad will be agreed upon in advance with the home university (learning agreement). In the case where these achievements correspond to the respective study program, they will be credited upon return.

With regard to the course selection students should be aware of the compatibility with both master programs. The table below provides an overview of the courses which have to be completed throughout each program. Further information concerning the course selection at Paderborn University is available on the webpages of the MSc IEM and the Module Catalogue, respectively. For further information with regard to the course selection at Tohoku University please visit the webpage of the GPEM.


Checklist for Course Selection
    Outgoing Incoming
IEM 120 ECTS needed    
  20 ECTS Mandatory Modules:    
  W4441 Methods of Economic Analyses (10 ECTS) (  ) (  )
  W4479 Econometrics (10 ECTS) (  ) (  )
  80 ECTS Elective Modules:    
  Economics (40 ECTS) (  ) (  )
  Management (20 ECTS) (  ) (  )
  General Elective (20 ECTS) (  ) (  )
  20 ECTS Master Thesis (  ) (  )
  For international students:    
  German language course 1 & 2   (  )
GPEM 30 credits (1 credit=2,5 ECTS) needed    
  Maximum of 10 credits (25 ECTS) acquired abroad (transferred from IEM) (  ) (  )
  20 credits acquired in GPEM    
  Global Company Research (2 credits, recommended)  _  _
  4 Credits Mandatory Modules:    
  Project Guidance A & B (4 credits)* (  ) (  )
  16 Credits Elective Modules** (  ) (  )
  Successful project presentation (after Project Guidance A & B) (  ) (  )
  For international students:    
  Japanese communication 1 or 2 (  )  
*Depending on which degree you would like to receive at Tohoku University (Master's Degree of Economics / Management) you can choose either Project Guidance A & B in Economics or Management.
**Maximum of 4 credits from seminars.

Dates regarding information meetings can be found on the homepage of the International Campus. Further news can be found on the homepage of the Master International Economics and Management.

Further information about the individual study programs and program partners can be found here:

The program coordinators for the double master program are Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut (University of Paderborn) and Prof. Dr. Kenji Mori (Tohoku University).

Enquiries can be sent via email to:


Further information: