Was un­sere Stud­i­er­enden sagen


Studying IBS and experiencing a semester abroad was a great enrichment. It's not just about learning in the classroom; it's about living the lessons firsthand, embracing intercultural communication, and diving into understanding global companies.


Studying IBS is perfect for everyone interested in international business. Our English classes connect language skills with business concepts, and you get to discuss business topics at an advanced level. The topics we focus on are always up-to-date and realistic.


Die Sprachenmodule beim IBS-Studium haben mir geholfen, meine Perspektive auf internationale Märkte zu erweitern und mich auf eine globale Arbeitsumgebung vorzubereiten.


The IBS language courses gave me the skills to go abroad and study in Spanish at the University of Granada at a Masters level even though I hadn't taken Spanish in school.

After studying IBS, I have no doubt that I can master living and working in any English- or Spanish-speaking country.


The IBS Bachelor gives me the opportunity to connect my language skills with the exciting world of business. The topics discussed in the language classes allow me understand global issues better.


Ich habe Präsentationen in verschiedenen Sprachen gehalten, wodurch meine Fähigkeiten, in der Öffentlichkeit zu sprechen und spontan auf Fragen zu antworten, gefördert wurden. Dies wiederum hat meine Fähigkeit gestärkt, mich selbst zu präsentieren, was mich in Vorstellungsgesprächen besonders überzeugend sein lässt.