
Steven A. Taylor, Ph.D., dis­tin­guished Pro­fess­or of Mar­ket­ing shares valu­able ex­per­i­ence with the In­ter­na­tion­al For­um Eco­nom­ics and Man­age­ment (IFEM)

 |  InternationalesInternationalesM.Sc. IEM

Students from the International Forum Economics and Management learned about the “Digital World and Business Practice”. Steven A. Taylor, Ph.D., distinguished Professor of Marketing from Illinois State University stressed the importance of critical thinking skills and their value and opportunities for the current and future generation. Within the discussion he encouraged the students to stay open minded in order to be successful in the emerging digital world.

The International Forum Economics and Management aims to provide a platform for communication between international students and German students about diverse topics. Through social activities and interesting discussions students get in touch with other cultures and have the possibility to talk about various customs, languages and economic research in different countries. The members of the International Forum Economics and Management are glad to have received the opportunity to welcome Steven A. Taylor, Ph.D., distinguished Professor of Marketing in a rather familiar atmosphere.


Steven A. Taylor, Ph.D. Professor of Marketing
SFH416, College of Business
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-5590
Web: <link http:> <link http:>