Ex­am dates in the cur­rent semester – sum­mer semester 24

There are two types of examinations listed. They are defined as midterm (Zwischenprüfungen) and final exams (Abschlussprüfungen). Midterm exams take place primarily in the 2nd and 3rd Bachelor year, as well as during the master phase. They comprise of examinations, oral exams, term papers and presentations. Generally, midterms take place during the semester phase as opposed to finals, which take place at the end of the semester during a lecture free period. Exam cancellation must be made before the first exam takes place.

Please keep in mind that not every module consists of a final exam. They may instead comprise of intermediate examinations. For example, your final grade might consist of several assignments and/or a midterm. In such a case, no date for a final exam will exist.