Welcome to our information page on examinations and performance!

Here you can gain a comprehensive insight into the various types of examinations and performance expectations that will accompany you throughout your degree programme. This page serves as a central point of contact to give you a clear overview of the examination dates, the various examination formats and the performance requirements. It is also intended to provide you with help on what to do on certain occasions.

Ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions and cur­ricula

On this page you will find all examination regulations, which represent the legal basis of your degree programme and contain all information relevant to examinations. The study plans are part of the examination regulations. They describe the structure of the respective degree programme with its compulsory modules and elective options.

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Ex­am­in­a­tion dates

On this page you will find all the dates for intermediate and final examinations. Intermediate examinations primarily take place in the profiling and Master's phase. They are taken during the lecture period. Final examinations, on the other hand, usually take place during the lecture-free period.

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Can­cel­la­tion, with­draw­al and ter­min­a­tion of ex­am­in­a­tions

It can always happen that you are unable to take an exam. On this page you will find information on the deadline by which you can still deregister and what you should do in the event of illness.

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Cred­it­ing of ser­vices

Students on Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics have the option of having examinations taken elsewhere recognised for modules offered on the Paderborn degree programme and listed in the module handbook. You can find more detailed information on this page.

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Fi­nal theses

All degree programmes at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics include a final thesis. The aim of the thesis is to prove that a problem in a subject area can be worked on independently and according to scientific methods within a given time limit. You can find more detailed information about final theses on this page.

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