"YOU CALL IT ECO. WE CALL IT COMMON SENSE. SUSTAINABILITY IN THE FASHION INDUSTRY" WITTEN, GERMANY 5.-11. MARCH 2017 Oikos International was founded in 1987 as an international student organization that works at 40 universities worldwide, addressing sustainability issues especially at business schools. The oikos Winter School is hosted by the members of the Chapter at the University of Witten/Herdecke. Every year since 2007 students come…

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17. gemeinsame Ausschreibung des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes, der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volks und des Mercator Program Center for International Affairs

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Das DS&OR Lab von Frau Prof. Dr. Suhl bietet im Sommersemester 2017 ein internationales Decision Support Projekt für engagierte Studierende an. Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in Rovereto (Italien) vom 27.2 - 3.3.2017 gestartet und findet Ende Juni ihren Abschluss in Graz (Österreich). Während der Projektlaufzeit wird im Team mit den anderen Beteiligten aus ganz Europa an dem Projekt gearbeitet. Es können 10 ECTS z.B. für ein DSP/BAP und die…

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Uni­ver­sity of Ioan­nina Erasmus+ Staff Train­ing Week

The Foreign Languages Centre and the Center for the Study of the Hellenic Language and Culture at the University of Ioannina organise a staff training week in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme entitled “New opportunities and challenges in foreign language teaching”. The training week will take place on Lefkas Island from 26th to 30th June 2017 at Ionian Blue Hotel. The working languages are English and/or Greek. The programme is addressed…

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Haaga-Helia In­ter­na­tion­al Staff Week 2017

Join the Haaga-Helia International Staff Week and seize the opportunities to network, benchmark and share knowledge! Theme of the week: “Communication is everything!”, the programme consists of joint and parallel tracks and social programme. It will take place from 3rd to 7th April 2017 in Helsinki and Porvoo, Finland. For more information please click here. If you are interested please contact both the program coordinator Prof. Dr. Marc…

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The University of Valencia invites you to the Valencia Erasmus Week. It will take place from 27th – 31st March 2017 and it will be an opportunity for the teachers from our partner universities to give visiting lectures at our university under Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility. For further details click here. If you are interested please contact both the program coordinator Prof. Dr. Frick and the ERASMUS & Outgoing Coordinator Anna Dörnemann at…

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In­ter­na­tion­al Erasmus+ Staff Week at Uni­ver­sity of Ljubljana

The University of Ljubljana invites you to the International Erasmus+ Staff Week. It will take place from 3rd to 7th April 2017 at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics (FELU), Slovenia. For further details click here. If you are interested please contact both the program coordinator Prof. Dr. Eggert and the ERASMUS & Outgoing Coordinator Anna Dörnemann at the International Office for more information.

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The University of Economics in Bratislava has the pleasure to invite you to the 4th International Teaching and Training Week 2017, which will take place from 3rd to 7th April 2017. Click here for more information. If you are interested please contact both the program coordinator Prof. Dr. Krimphove and the ERASMUS & Outgoing Coordinator Anna Dörnemann at the International Office for more information.

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In­vit­a­tion to the Christ­mas Re­cep­tion

Dear MSc IEM students: since Christmas is approaching, we want to warmly invite you on behalf of the Departments "Management" and "Economics" to the Christmas reception of the Master's program "International Economics and Management". Similar to the last two years, everyone can use this opportunity to get to know each other, talk to other IEM students and faculty members, or simply enjoy the Christmas spirit together. The reception will take…

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Ljubljana Sum­mer School and Ljubljana Doc­tor­al Sum­mer School 2017

The Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (the FELU) offers a summer school and invites academics to submit course proposals on Bachelor, Master and PhD level, in the field of Economics or Business studies. For more information please click here.

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