WIWI.STOR­IES: What does a de­gree pro­gramme in eco­nom­ics ac­tu­ally look like?

Our students and alumni tell their exciting stories. Be inspired by our wiwi.stories and discover the opportunities that studying at UPB offers you.

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Business education as a route into human resources

Jan Fiebich completed his Master's degree in Business Education just a year ago and immediately landed his dream job as an HR officer at Deutsche Bahn. He laid the foundations for this with an internship during his Master's degree. This made it much easier for him to start his career than many of his fellow students. Today, the 26-year-old applies the knowledge from his studies in his day-to-day work.

How Cafer is already managing major projects alongside his Master's degree

Cafer only started his degree in Economics at Paderborn University in 2016. Today, he is in the final stages of his M.Sc. in Business Administration, but is already working as Head of PM at a Shopware agency. Cafer told us what drove him to his personal dream job much earlier than his fellow students and what his degree programme has to do with it.

How you too can volunteer far away from home and develop yourself further

Gain new impressions, develop yourself and help other people - all in Uganda! Even before her studies, Leonie was concerned with social inequalities and set herself the goal of changing this. Four years ago, she became aware of the charitable Paderborn Odissa-Charles organisation and has been flying to Uganda for several weeks a year ever since to provide support on the ground.

Anna Sophie's journey from Paderborn to Colombia

Anna Sophie Steuber completed her International Business Studies (IBS) degree at Paderborn University eight years ago. During her time in Paderborn, the Hamburg native, who grew up in North Hesse, combined basic business knowledge with the foreign languages English and Spanish and is now at home in Colombia. Anna Sophie told us how her path led her to South America and how the IBS programme helped her.

Seoul is incredibly large and never sleeps.

The Asian economic and cultural region is considered to be very important now and in the future and is also becoming increasingly interesting for European Studies students. The ASBE programme offers a special opportunity to shape your own CV in an international and targeted way during your studies - Jason Hensel did not miss out on this opportunity and spent his semester abroad in South Korea during the ongoing corona pandemic.

Was ein Praxissemester im Master of Education besonders macht

Im vergangenen Wintersemester hat Franziska ihr Studium für Lehramt an Berufskollegs erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Neben dem Studienfach Deutsch wählte die 26-Jährige die berufliche Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaft, um den Schüler*innen am Berufskolleg zukünftig wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge beizubringen. Den Traum, als Lehrerin vor der Klasse zu stehen, verfolgt Franziska immer noch, jedoch hat sie sich zunächst dafür entschieden, sich an der Universität weiterzuentwickeln.

What makes Paderborn special for students abroad

In September 2013, Kosuke Suto came to Paderborn University for the first time as a student for eleven months as part of a semester abroad. Back at Tohoku University in Japan, however, he realised that he was not able to immerse himself as deeply in the German language and culture during his stay in Paderborn as he had originally hoped. Without further ado, Kosuke decided to return to Paderborn after his bachelor's degree to complete his master's degree in Germany, so he lived in Paderborn from 2016 to 2018 and studied International Economics…

How to first find your career aspirations during your studies and then pursue them

Laura already knew at school that she wanted to work in business later on. However, she didn't know in which field. She used the flexible business degree programme at Paderborn University to get to know all areas of a company's activities before deciding to focus on HR work. Today, she applies her knowledge as an HR manager at WDR in Cologne.

You're never too old to learn something new

Mathias' path to studying was not quite as direct as that of many other students. He only began his Bachelor's degree at the age of 25 after training as a bank clerk and working in banking for a total of six years. Today, he is a teacher at a vocational college and shares his knowledge and experience with his students.

"Ultimately, any idea is only as good as it is accepted and recognised by the market. So it shouldn't be developed alone in a quiet little room."

Since 2018, Jona Vogel, who is currently writing his Master's thesis at the Chair of International Business, has been working with his team on an initial idea that is now growing more and more into a marketable product. The aim of the start-up ENERVATE is to make it possible to move away from energy sources that are responsible for a large proportion of CO2 emissions.

Founding, investing and managing alongside your studies

Just do it, is Daniel and Carlo's motto. If you have to write a business plan in a course, then it shouldn't just be for the grade. Today, at the age of 32, the two are managing directors of StudyHelp GmbH and help students on their way to graduation.

Gaining management experience for the family business

Nothing ventured, nothing gained - that could be Kevin's motto. He jumped in at the deep end and moved to the Pader for his studies. At university, he clearly expressed his opinion and that of the students, and at less than 30 years old, he took over a company. Kevin has dared to do a lot and he has no regrets.

A doctorate opens up new perspectives

Many graduates immediately tick off the topic of a doctorate. Perhaps a little too hastily, because who is really interested in it? Jennifer did and is now doing her doctorate in the field of location-based services at the Department of Information Systems. She sees the research, diversity and freedom during her doctorate as great opportunities to develop herself further and find her own path.


Orientation and experience at Paderborn University

Beyhan tells us how her story started in Paderborn, where it led her and which tips are worth their weight in gold when starting university.


(Re)discovering your own home as well as the world

Although Vanessa really wanted to get out of her home town of Paderborn back then, the city is a recurring theme in her life. As often as she left to gain new experiences, her home always remained a constant. "I was always drawn away from Paderborn, but somehow always back again."


Lia and Franziska are studying - and preparing to start their own business at the same time

It can happen that quickly: Last year, Franziska and Lia attended a course together, developed an idea, designed a prototype and are now already preparing to found a start-up. With the support of TecUP, Paderborn University's Technology Transfer & Business Start-up Centre, the two students want to be founders soon.

Lennart never wanted to study and is now planning his Master's degree

Finally out of school and into working life: Studying was out of the question for Lennart. He is now doing his Bachelor's degree in Economics at Paderborn University - and he doesn't want it to be his last university degree.

Freezing and sweating with the Finns - Julia's travelogue

Finland is certainly not number 1 on the list of favourite countries to visit abroad. Many people would like to go to the sun, to world-famous metropolises, really far away - the Nordic country can't offer that. But everyone knows Spain or France, and Finland, with its temperatures and landscapes, offers the kind of contrasting programme that Julia Winkelmann found so appealing.


Gathering new impressions instead of just ECTS

Internships and student positions at three major car manufacturers and a world market leader, plus stays abroad in the USA and China and a direct link to a job despite the difficult economic situation - Hüseyin tells his wiwi.story.

Norina loves the challenge and Paderborn

Paderborn, Hanoi, Barcelona, Kumasi, Shanghai, Berlin - Norina is a real globetrotter. She loves getting to know new places and cultures and despite all her visits to the world's metropolises, she has fallen in love with Paderborn. The Master's graduate in International Business Studies (IBS) currently works in Berlin as a research assistant in the German Bundestag and helps shape policy in her work.

Yuri combines studies and internship in a semester abroad

Waking up in the city that never sleeps - Yuri has realised this dream. The business administration master's student spent a whole six months in the largest city in the USA. First studying for a semester, then a three-month internship - and discovering one of the coolest metropolises in the world along the way.

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