To­hoku Uni­ver­sity Ja­pan­ese Pro­gram 2019 (TUJP2019)

  Tohoku University Japanese Program 2019 (TUJP2019) is a program for undergraduates who desire to learn Japanese language and culture. For information of the program, please check out our website and the leaflet (TUJP Leaflet 2019) below, which is also on the website. This summer intensive program provides students with an opportunity to discover Japan through diverse learning experiences in English. The program offers intensive Japanese…

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A top-notch undergrad summer course at Koç University offers you a unique experience in the field of studies on international migration! This course is structured with lectures, guest lecturers and student presentations, participatory observations via field trips, visits to NGOs working with refugees, and writing an academic article on global migration and crisis! Click here for more information. If you are interested, please contact the Office…

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Wir möchten im Folgenden auf ein Förderprogramm des DAAD für einen Japan-Aufenthalt aufmerksam machen: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (short-term), für Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden Bewerber: • Doktoranden: Promotion muss innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre nach Förderbeginn abgeschlossen sein. • Postdoktoranden: Promotion darf zum 1. April des Fiskaljahres, in dem das Stipendium angetreten wird, nicht länger als 6 Jahre zurückliegen. Alle…

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