Hua­wei Stu­den­ten­pro­gramm "Seeds for the Fu­ture" 2017/18

"Seeds for the Future" - das Huawei-Studentenprogramm geht in die nächste Runde. Wenn du mit uns China entdecken und dabei einmalige Erfahrungen im Reich der Mitte gewinnen willst, dann bewirb dich bis zum 26.11.2017! Zum Wintersemester startet die neue Bewerbungsphase. Alle Informationen rund um das Programm findest du hier. Viel Spaß!

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W2252 Mod­ern Meth­ods in Man­age­ment Ac­count­ing

The English taught Bachelor block seminar W2252 Modern Methods in Management Accounting (5 ECTS) is still open for registration. Interested students please send an E-Mail to Lennart Osthoff (lennart.osthoff(at)upb(dot)de) this week.

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The information session  for module W2418 International Socio-Economic Studies will take place on October  12, 2017 from 13.00-14.00 p.m. in room Q4. 245. The application deadline is October 19, 2017. Applications must be submitted in paper form to Julia Wittenberg, secretary of Prof. Jungblut, room Q4. 334.

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The information session on the Double Master Program (DMP) with the Tohoku University, Japan, for the current turn will take place on Monday, October 16, 2017 from 13:00-14:00 p.m. in room Q4.201. Application deadline is October 22, 2017. Further Information:

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