Fa­cul­ty of Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on, Eco­no­mics, and Busi­ness In­for­ma­ti­on Sys­tems

The Faculty of Business Administration, Economics, and Business Information Systems is comprised of the Departments of Management, Taxation, Accounting and Finance, Business Information Systems, Economics, Business and Human Resource Education and Law. Together, the Departments engage in proactive, progressive research and teaching at the University of Paderborn. The forward-looking focus, coupled with a status as a modern, competitive and research-oriented faculty, is one the faculty strives to maintain now and in the years to come. The German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Union and several Federal Ministries currently support around 20 research projects. The faculty carries out a broad variety of research activities.


Together with more than 60 partner universities the faculty is part of one of the largest international research and study networks in existence today. The network has recently expanded to include a number of Asian partners in China, Japan and Korea, giving students and research staff an opportunity to systematically enhance their knowledge of the region and its languages and to gain valuable intercultural skills.

Theo­ry and Prac­ti­ce

The faculty’s strong focus on topical research issues combined with its outstanding methodological and technical expertise makes it an attractive partner for research projects commissioned by both the public and private sectors. Thanks to this cooperation the faculty’s students are able to familiarize themselves with the day-to-day activities in a business organization. In many subject areas, internships and hands-on projects and papers are part of the regular curriculum.