W4603 In­ter­na­ti­o­na­les Wirt­schafts­recht

Please find some introductory information for the SS2017 on the Module W4603 Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht here.

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W4497 Ca­ses in Com­pe­ti­ti­on Po­li­cy

Please find some introductory information for the SS2017 on the Module W4497 Cases in Competition Policy here.

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W2196 Ser­vice Ma­nage­ment Chal­len­ge

Please find some introductory information for the SS2017 on the Module W2196 Service Management Challenge here.

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Ab dem WS 2017/2018 wird der bisherige Anerkennungsbogen nicht mehr verwendet. Stattdessen werden ausschließlich Learning Agreements abgeschlossen. Das Learning Agreement ist für alle Mobilitäten verpflichtend, also sowohl für ERASMUS Studierende, als auch für Nicht-ERASMUS Studierende und Free Mover. Es betrifft somit alle, die eine Anerkennung aus dem Ausland benötigen! Der früher verwendete Bogen zur Vorabanerkennung ist nun in das neue…

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Vom 23. bis 25. August 2017 findet an der Universität Oita in Japan das 8. Internationale Studierendenforum statt. Ziel des diesjährigen Forums ist es, Studierende verschiedener Wirtschaftsregionen und Kulturkreise zusammenzubringen und ein akademisches Netzwerk zu schaffen, um globalen wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Auf Basis von Vorträgen und Präsentationen über länderspezifische Aspekte werden gemeinsam…

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TU­JP 2017- Sum­mer School at To­ho­ku Uni­ver­si­ty, Ja­pan

Tohoku University in Japan offers a Summer School in 2017. This summer intensive program (3th July until 18th July or 24th July until 8th August) provides students with an opportunity to discover Japan and diverse learning experiences in English. The program offers intensive Japanese language classes, topical seminars about Japanese culture and society, various cultural workshops, and field trips including a homestay experience. Students of the…

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The EWHA University offers partial scholarships for the participation on the International Co-ed Summer College: ­­1) “Ewha International Summer College” is a month-long program (20th June until 18th July 2017) designed for international students who desire to pursue both academic and cultural endeavors. More information: http://summer.ewha.ac.kr/session-i 2) Summer Special Program: "Korean Language & Cultural Session" is a 2-week course in…

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EAE­RE-FEEM-VIU Eu­ro­pean Sum­mer School 2017

The European Association of Environmental and Research Economists (EAERE), Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and Venice International University (VIU) are pleased to announce their annual European Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics for postgraduate students. The 2017 Summer School will take place from the 2nd to the 8th of July at the VIU Campus on the Island of San Servolo, in Venice, located just in front of St. Mark's…

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Short term Spe­ci­al Sum­mer Pro­grams 2017 at Koc Uni­ver­si­ty

Koc University's Office of International Programs presents three outstanding short-term summer programs for students! These programs are not only a chance of having a very interesting and intense global academic experience, but also of discovering a dynamic, vibrant attractive city like Istanbul. For dates and deadlines and more information about the particular programs click here.

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Join the presentation from Georges Sao this Thursday, Jan 26th 2017, from 1pm – 2pm in Q3.201! Georges Sao, an IT specialist and lecturer at UCAC (Université Catholique Central D‘Afrique) offers insights into life on campus and the Cameroonian capital. Since 2015, UCAC and our faculty are linked in a partnership that gives professors and students opportunities for exchange. Interested students have the opportunity to spend a semester at the…

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