Sum­mer School at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pa­der­born 14 - 18 Au­gust 2017

 |  InternationalesInternationales

The MInkluWB Summer School takes place at the Paderborn University from 14th to 18th August 2017.

MInkluWB (Mentoring-based Inclusion in business and economics study programs with regional focus on Western Balkans) is a one year project within the DAAD-financed programme for German – Western Balkan Higher Education Dialogue starting 01st of March 2017.

The project’s target is to promote inclusiveness of study programs in business and economics addressing the needs of student groups still underrepresented in higher education, namely children from non-academic families, socially disadvantaged people, ethnic minorities persons with disabilities and others. By opening higher education for underrepresented groups such as these, universities contribute to wider social and economic development. Furthermore, universities benefit from a more diverse student body and overall growth. For that, MInkluWB brings together members of faculties for business and economics from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM) Serbia and Germany supported by NGOs from those countries and additional partners from Slovenia and Croatia.

The projects core activity is to train students as peer-mentors for students from underrepresented social groups. The training shall be professionalized by combined efforts of all university partners supported by NGOs. The mentoring concept shall also be fully integrated in the local curricula structure of the respective study program by the end of the project.

Goals of the Summer School:

Targeting at more inclusive study structures, the summer schools main objective is to advance the professionalization of academic peer mentoring. Therefore localized mentoring concepts will be developed by representatives of university staff (professors). More over the participating students will be trained as further peer mentors and shall leadership and communication skills, role awareness and a concept of inclusiveness that values diversity. Besides this main objective, options for closer cooperation will be eval-uated and ongoing teaching and research activities will be mutually presented.

More Information on this <link https: en department5 wirtschaftspaedagogik-prof-sloane forschung minkluwb>website.