In­vi­ta­ti­on to the Christ­mas Re­cep­ti­on

 |  InternationalesInternationales

Dear MSc IEM students:

since Christmas is approaching, we want to warmly invite you on behalf of the Departments "Management" and "Economics" to the Christmas reception of the Master's program "International Economics and Management".

Similar to the last two years, everyone can use this opportunity to get to know each other, talk to other IEM students and faculty members, or simply enjoy the Christmas spirit together.

The reception will take place on Thursday, December 15th, from 16:30 onwards in Q4.245 (you are of course also welcome to join  if you can only make it later).

To enable all students to participate at the reception, Prof. Dr. Feng is so kind as to end his lecture Econometrics half an hour earlier on that day. We would be glad if you use this free time to come to the reception.

Please register with the help of the doodle link <link http: poll> until Thursday, December 8th at latest, so we can properly plan and buy enough food and drinks for everyone.

At the party, we will offer hot punch, glühwein, gingerbread, a lot of sweets and fruits, and hopefully everything you wished for. However, we would also welcome some homemade cookies or other Christmas like cake. If you want to bring something, please give us a short notice or add a comment in the doodle survey.

If you have any questions, feel free to come to our secretary (Q.4.304, Christiane Borghoff) or write us an email with your matter (<link>

We are looking very forward to our party and hope for a lot of registrations!

Best regards,

Your Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy