For­eign Trade Uni­ver­si­ty In­ter­na­ti­o­nal [on­line] sum­mer pro­gram 2020

 |  InternationalesInternationales

Die Partneruniversität der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Vietnam bietet die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an einer [online] Summer School!

"Greetings from International Office - Foreign Trade University, Vietnam! 2020 marks the start of new decade with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic that transformed the world. Everything has been impacted ultimately. Vietnam has managed to keep the pandemic with few casualties, and fortunately we are now back to face-to-face learning. We, however, understand that the international exchange is a part of our campus. We always want international students to experience Vietnamese culture and make the most os our learning environment. Therefore, this year our International Summer Program will go online. International Summer Program (ISP) is the annual program for international students. This year the program will be organized online in two weeks, from 07th September to 22nd September 2020.

The program has attracted a great number of students from different countries for the last 7 years. The purpose of the programs is to provide international students with different educational backgrounds and majors with a broad picture of the Vietnam economy with fundamental business and investment prospects and procedures, from which international students of different professions and economies can team up to gain comparative approach to their business environment, brainstorm business ideas and work on practical projects on entrepreneurship in various industries. All the programs will be offered in English. The best lecturers and groups of hospitable FTU students will guide students through the programs with many exciting online classes and an intensive group project."

Mehr Informationen zum Programm finden Sie hier.

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