Lec­tur­er and Re­fe­rees

Prof. Dr. Ste­fan Jung­blut

Stefan Jungblut studied economics at the Georg-August University in Göttingen. During his studies he took internship positions at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). In 1995 he received a position as a Research Assistant and Junior Lecturer at the University of Paderborn. After the completion of his dissertation Stefan spent one year as a visiting scholar at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). Since October 2011 Stefan Jungblut is a professor for economics at the University of Paderborn. His research interests include monetary economics, financial markets, the macroeconomy, economic integration, as well as the international economy. He is the academic advisor for incoming exchange students, coordinator for Japan in the Asian Studies in Business and Economics (ASBE) program, and coordinator for the master program in International Economics and Management.

Mu­ni­ra Ja­mal

Munira Jamal is an experienced intercultural, academic skills and language trainer. She completed her Teaching German as a Foreign Language and English Studies in Germany (The University of Bielefeld) and earned her M.A. in Intercultural Communication in the UK (The University of Sheffield).
She designs and delivers workshops and seminars for universities and other institutions and has worked in many different training settings.

Iri­na Hart­mann-Tal­hof

District social worker and member of the coordination office responsible for refugee assistance. The members of staff designated to the management of the refugee coordination work together with the various support networks and also assist the citizens who volunteer in the region. The main priorities of the coordination office are the integration of the refugees into the housing market, into neighborhood work, as well as providing an introduction into the education system and the coordination of new projects.

Mar­tin Strät­ling

Graduated social worker and employee at MiCado, Caritas. Caritas is the largest welfare association in Germany. The employees at MiCado (specialist service for integration and migration at the Caritas Association in Paderborn) offer guidance as well as support to Paderborn residents with an immigration background in various legal and social life situations. Three primary services are available. These amenities are dependent on the residential status of the individual and the specific needs required. These services are: Integration Agency, migration counselling for adult immigrants as well as a counselling center for individuals who do not hold, or have not yet received a permanent residency permit for living in Germany.