Outgoing: From Paderborn to the world

More than a quarter of all German students spend some time studying abroad. And the trend is rising. For good reasons: While studying abroad, you can improve your foreign language and subject knowledge through an extended range of courses. You get to know other people and cultures and develop your own personality and intercultural skills. At the same time, you promote your own mobility and openness. Nowadays, companies also greatly value experience abroad, as it is important in a globalised market environment and demonstrates flexibility and adaptability. At the same time, you will make new friends and build up a network of international contacts.

Here at the university, you have several opportunities to gain experience abroad. The most classic option is probably a semester abroad. However, short-term stays, specially adapted degree programmes or internships abroad also offer you the opportunity to learn and grow on an international level.

Semester abroad

We offer all students the opportunity to spend a semester abroad. You can choose the perfect place for your semester abroad from over 65 partner universities. Our focus is on the Asian region and French and Spanish-speaking countries.

Your path to a semester abroad



Get an overview of your options and the application deadlines before you go abroad. The International Office offers regular information events and counselling sessions. We also provide information once a semester about your options for studying business.


Application and nomination

The application and nomination process for exchange students is organised centrally for all faculties by the International Office of Paderborn University. All application deadlines are in the winter semester. They are divided between the Europe and Overseas programmes.

After the respective application deadline, the International Office forwards the applications to the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and the programme officers of its cooperations then select the students.

You can find more information on the application nomination process on the International Office website.


Selection procedure

The respective cooperation officer at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is responsible for selecting the exchange students. He or she contacts the applicants after receiving the application documents and organises the selection interviews. The results of the selection interviews are forwarded to the International Office, which informs the students of the results of the interviews and then makes the nomination at the partner university.


Recognition of performance

Within the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, the Learning Agreement is checked and issued by the Internationalisation Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

You can find out more about the recognition of credits here!

Full immersion in life: Polish halls of residence, traditions and insider tips

Poland turned out to be a real stroke of luck for Linda.

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Northern lights and savoury waffles in Norway

Svenja spent her time abroad at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

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Nine months in neighbouring Denmark

Anna-Lena worked as an intern in Denmark for several months.

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One semester in South America: New perspectives and experiences

How Johannes was enchanted by Colombia's diversity

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Working abroad: business knowledge and foreign languages

Anna Sophie's journey from Paderborn to Colombia

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Corona semester abroad in South Korea

Student Jason Hensel has chosen a vibrant country in East Asia.

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Short-term stays

Short-term stays offer a good opportunity to gain internationalisation experience and, if necessary, additional credit points at a very early stage or between study phases, e.g. Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

Sum­mer and Winter Schools

Summer and Winter Schools are two to four-week short academic programmes for students for which a fee is charged. At the end of the programme, you will receive credits that can be transferred to Paderborn University. You should discuss with your faculty beforehand whether you can have the course recognised.

Ex­cur­sions and vir­tu­al learn­ing

Short stays abroad are integrated into some modules. These can be excursions, participation in competitions or presentations of results. These modules often also include virtual collaboration in international teams.

Spe­cial pro­grammes in the Mas­ter's de­gree

Double mas­ter pro­grammes

You study simultaneously at Paderborn University and one of our partner universities, so that you can obtain two degrees in the standard period of study. We currently offer a double master's programme with the University of Tohoku in Japan and the University of Ferrara in Italy.

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Asi­an Stud­ies in Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ics Pro­gramme

In the ASBE programme, you will delve deeper into the Asian economic region and Asian culture as a focus of your studies and visit a partner university in China, Korea or Japan for six months. The programme can be integrated into any Master's degree course in economics.

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Internships abroad

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and the International Office of Paderborn University do not organise internships abroad. Students are primarily responsible for finding a suitable internship themselves. However, it is possible to apply to the International Office for internship funding for study-related internships abroad. Please get in touch with your contact in the outgoing team.

International Office vs. Internationalisation Office

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics organises the student exchange in cooperation with the International Office of Paderborn University. The International Office of Paderborn University is mainly responsible for the overarching administrative fields of the exchange, such as registration. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, on the other hand, takes care of the academic aspects of the exchange (studies and examinations). The Faculty's internationalisation office and the Faculty's study office are particularly important here.

Our network

Paderborn University maintains partnerships with over 65 universities in Europe, America, Asia and Australia. Every year, over 200 Paderborn students spend one or two semesters at one of the partner universities.

Part­ner uni­ver­sit­ies

Austria University of Insbruck
Austria University of Graz
Czech Republic Masaryk University
Cyprus University of Cyprus
Finland Lappeenranta University of Technology
Finland Tampere University
Finland University of Eastern Finland
France Institut Supérieur de Gastion
France University of Lille
University of France University of Strasbourg
France Le Mans University
France Université Rennes 2
Greece University of Ioannina
Hungary University of Debrecen
Ireland Dublin City University
Italy University of Turin
Italy University of Ferrara
Latvia University of Latvia, Riga
Netherlands University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Norway Molde University College
Norway University of Agder
Norway Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Poland Politechnika Poznanska
Poland Poznan University of Economics and Business
Russia St. Petersburg State University
Slovakia University of Economics Bratislava
Slovenia University of Ljubljana
Spain Public University of Navarra
Spain University of Alcalá
Spain University of Barcelona
Spain University of Murcia
University of Spain Universidad de Valencia
University of Spain Universidad de Vigo
University of Spain Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Spain Universitat de les Illes Balears
University of Spain University of Granada
Turkey Bogazici University
Turkey Koç University
Turkey Middle East Technical University
Turkey Bilkent University


China Beijing Institute of Technology
China Tongji University
China Xidian University
Japan Oita University
Japan Tohoku University
Korea DongEui University
Korea EWHA Womans University
Korea Hanyang University ERICA
Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Vietnam Foreign Trade University


Burkina Faso University of Ouagadougou
Cameroon Université Catholique de l'Afrique Centrale (UCAC), Yaoundé


Canada Concordia University of Edmonton
Canada St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland
Canada University of Alberta
USA Idaho State University
USA Illinois State University
USA University of Oklahoma


Brazil Universidade Federal De Santa Maria
Colombia National University of Colombia
Colombia Universidad EAFIT
Colombia University of Caldas
Ecuador Universidad de Cuenca
Uruguay Universidad ORT


Australia University of Tasmania


News and dates


Fas­cin­at­ing jour­ney through the Sahel: "Fest­iv­al of Amazement"

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Amer­ic­an uni­ver­sity group on tour through Ger­many

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New co­oper­a­tion between Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and the Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia

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„In­ter­na­tion­al Spring Pro­gram“ fördert kul­turel­len Aus­tausch und Part­ner­schaften mit der ja­pan­is­chen Uni­versität To­hoku

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Stud­i­er­ende der Uni­versität Pader­born sam­meln Er­fahrungen bei Fall­stud­i­en­wettbe­w­erb in Montreal

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Uni­versität Pader­born richtet 10-jähriges Ju­biläum des In­ter­na­tion­al Stu­dents For­um aus und heißt vi­er asi­at­ische Hoch­schu­len…

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In­ter­na­tionale Facht­a­gung „Recht und Re­li­gion­en im Wei­marer Dreieck“ an der Uni­versität Pader­born

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Con­tact us

Internationalisierungszentrum Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

The Office of International Affairs at the faculty supports all incoming and outgoing students in academic matters.

Room Q0.319
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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Opening hours

Tue., Wed.

10:30 - 11:30 h