Roll up your sleeves and get to work? Without practical work experience it can be tough to land your first job. It can help to have completed an internship during your studies. Often enough, however, the search for an internship functions differently in Germany than in the home countries of many international students. How do I find an internship? What should I pay attention to when looking for one? What works differently in Germany than in my…

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Care­er events

Dear international students, there are diverse career events in the surrounding areas of Paderborn. Often the events are planned in German. However, the companies at the trade fairs talk English for sure. The next two meet@ trade fairs are. Hochschule Hannover May 3rd University of Kassel May 19th Further informations here (unfortunately in German).

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Mid­term Ex­ams

Dear exchange students, Please keep in mind that some modules have midterm exams. You find the list of modules here.

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In­tern­ship in Por­tu­gal

GoGlobal is a company based in Portugal, focused on improving sales and accelerating the business of SME's around the world, and operates in a number of international key markets. They are looking for an intern. Please find more information here.

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W2416 Mo­ney and Ban­king

The Bachelor's module "Money and Banking" is provided by the visiting lecturer Dr. Wieneke (Australia) in summer term 2016. Centering on the question of the drivers of the availability and cost of credit, the module discusses multiple interlinked topics to get the big picture of global finance. Further information  can be found here. If you are interested, please register via PAUL until April 22nd, 2016 at the latest. 

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Busi­ness in Rus­sia - Gre­at In­tern­ship Pos­si­bi­li­ty

Dear students, this is a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) finanancially supported internship program. Please find further information here.

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Mo­du­les that re­a­ched its ca­pa­ci­ty

Dear exchange students, Please have a look at this link. Here you find a list of modules that reached its capacity. Also on the list are modules where you can still send a late application. Please check your PAUL in the next few days, if you are automatically deregistered for a module on the list, then you unfortunately are not in the module.

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W2196 - Ser­vice Ma­nage­ment Chal­len­ge

Dear exchange students, those of you who are enrolled in the course "Service Management Challenge", please have a look this document.

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