Trans­ition Phase Bach­el­or - Mas­ter

If you do not fulfill all but most of the admission requirements (maximum 30 ECTS credits missing) at the time of your application you can enter a transition phase. It allows you to gather the ECTS credit requirements currently lacking from your bachelor study program. You can study at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in order to attain the admission requirements for the MSc International Economics and Management. Depending on the number of ECTS credits missing it is possible to additionally register for up to 60 ECTS credits of master courses during this time. A detailed description of the transition phase Bachelor - Master can be found here.

International students who have to rely on courses taught in English can find a list of available courses in the module catalogue. Please choose "Courses available in English for exchange students" and the academic year.

Additional Reading Courses are offered for international students in the transition phase Bachelor - Master which focus on contents in the fields of economics, quantitative methods, mathematics as well as statistics. Details of the respective content are available here.

Students who need to complete a bachelor's thesis within their transition phase are asked to attend our Academic Writing Course for International Students. This course helps you to achieve better results and provides information, strategies and practical tools for the preparation and production of final assignments in the field of economics. Detailed information is available here.