A care­er in Ger­ma­ny

The DW (Deutsche Welle) made a short and nice video about how a career in Germany looks like. Watch and enjoy

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Ju­ni­or Pro­fes­si­o­nal Of­fi­cer Aus­schrei­bung

Wenn Sie schon immer von einer internationalen Karriere geträumt haben, so bietet das Junior Professional Officer Programmdie ideale Einstiegsmöglichkeit. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier 

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Sti­pen­di­um für (Post-) Dok­to­ran­den: For­schung in Ja­pan

Die Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fördert einen kurzfristigen Forschungsaufenthalt von (Post-) Doktoranden an Universitäten und ausgewählten Forschungseinrichtungen in Japan. Im Rahmen des 'JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (short-term)' wird ein Aufenthalt von (Post-) Doktoranden aller Fachrichtungen von einem Monat bis zu einem Jahr ermöglicht. Die Bewerbung für Aufenthalte ab Oktober 2016 erfolgt bis zum 31. März 2016 über den…

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The Tohoku University Japanese Program 2016 (TUJP2016) is a program for undergraduate students who would like to learn Japanese language and explore traditional and cultural aspects of Japan. The summer school will take place in July and Augst, you can choose between two terms of two weeks each.If you want to particpate please hand in your application at the Internationalization Office (Q0.319). The application deadline is March 31, 2016. Student…

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Sum­mer Schools in Eu­ro­pe

Dear students, if you are interested in summer schools this search engine can do you a great favor: summer schools in europe

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Go East- Som­mer­schu­len 2016

Dear Students, there are multiple scholarships by the DAAD for Summer Schools in the following countries, Albanien, Aserbaidschan,  Armenien, Belarus, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Estland, Georgien, Kasachstan, Kirgisistan, Lettland, Litauen, Moldau, Polen, Rumänien, Russland, Serbien, Slowenien, Ukraine, Ungarn. Further information here.

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Sum­mer School in Ljublja­na

Dear students, the University of Ljubljana offers diverse summer programms. For further information klick here.

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In­tern­ship Op­por­tu­ni­ty at Mie­le Aus­tra­lia

Great Internship Opportunity! Miele Australia is looking for an intern between 1st April 2016 and 1st May 2016. You will find further information here.

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The Koç University offers a summer school with the topic - Urban Political Ecology on the Road: City’s Nature and Nature’s City through Istanbul. You will find further information here.

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All students enrolled as regular degree-seeking students at the University of Paderborn can still apply for a semester in Cameroon at the Université Catholique d'Afrique Centrale. The deadline was shifted to February 29, 2016. Further information here.

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