Our re­search

The Chair of Information Systems, in particular Sustainability, focusses its research on the following topics:

  • Digital resilience (e.g. in the field of critical infrastructures)
  • Information security management and compliance
  • Positive and negative effects of information systems (Dark&Bright Side of Information Systems)

As the Chair of Information Systems, in particular sustainability, it is particularly important to us that our research adds value both theoretically and practically. At a time when digitalisation has become a social phenomenon, we not only transfer our research concepts and solutions to specific stakeholders, but also take a holistic, social perspective. In addition, we conduct our research on an interdisciplinary basis with various institutions from research and practice in order to pool our expertise.

In our latest research project, the third-party-funded HowToDIGITAL project, which we are conducting together with the University of Göttingen, the University Hospital of Cologne and practice partners such as Gematik and Techniker Krankenkasse, our aim is to sustainably advance the digitalisation of the healthcare system by better involving different medical user groups in the development and operation of medical software.

Prof Trang and his team publish in renowned journals and at the most influential conferences in information systems, business administration and sustainability research. In this context, Prof. Trang is actively involved as a programme committee member at national and international conferences, as a scientific reviewer and editor for renowned journals. For example, Prof Trang is part of the editorial board of the journals "Information&Management" and "Electronic Markets". The chair is responsible for a large number of research projects which are sponsored by renowned third-party funding organisations (Volkswagen Foundation, BMBF, BMG, BMWk).


FitNIS2 Navigator: Anforderungsmanagement und Angebotsdatenbank

Das Projekt "FitNIS2-Navigator" unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung der NIS2-Richtlinie. Viele Unternehmen, besonders kleine und mittlere Betriebe, sind unzureichend auf die neuen Anforderungen vorbereitet, die sich aus der NIS2-Richtlinie ergeben. Der Navigator, der von der Universität Paderborn in Zusammenarbeit mit "Deutschland sicher im ...

Duration: 09/2024 - 08/2026

Funded by: BMWK

HowToDIGITAL - Digitale Kompetenzen und Entwicklung digitaler Tools für die stationäre und ambulante Versorgung

In den vergangenen Jahren wurde eine Vielzahl von digitalen Lösungen zur Verbesserung der ambulanten und stationären Versorgung eingeführt. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei datengetriebene Innovationen, welche die medizinische Routine vereinfachen können. Beispiele dafür sind die Auswertung radiologischer Bilddaten durch Künstliche Intelligenz oder die ...

Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026

Funded by: Innovationsausschuss beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss

Prozessorientierte wirtschaftliche Bewertung und Auswahl von IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen

Aktuelle Technologien, bspw. aus den Bereichen Cloud-Computing oder Data-Science, bieten einerseits erhebliches Potential für den Erhalt und die Stärkung der Wettbewerbsposition von Unternehmen. Andererseits birgt die Einführung solcher Technologien neue Risiken, bspw. in Verbindung mit Data-Security, Cloud-Hacking oder Datenschutz. Um diesen ...

Duration: 04/2021 - 06/2024

Funded by: BMBF


A field experiment on ISP training designs for enhancing employee information security compliance

I. Nastjuk, F. Rampold, S.T.-N. Trang, J. Benitez, European Journal of Information Systems (2024) 1–24.

Integrating and Synthesizing Technostress Research: A Meta-Analysis on Technostress Creators, Outcomes, and Usage Contexts

I. Nastjuk, S.T.-N. Trang, J. Grummeck-Braamt, M. Adam, M. Tarafdar, European Journal of Information Systems 33 (2024).

Deeper down the rabbit hole - How technology conspiracy beliefs emerge and foster a conspiracy mindset

S.T.-N. Trang, T. Krämer, M. Trenz, W. Weiger, Information Systems Research (2024).

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch: Conceptualizing and exploring deviations from polls during public health app releases

S.T.-N. Trang, M. Trenz, W. Welf, Journal of Information Technology (accepted for publication) (2024).

The technology-behavioral compensation effect: Unintended consequences of health technology adoption

T. Wolf, S.T.-N. Trang, W. Weiger, M. Trenz, Journal of Information Technology 39 (2024).

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