Jobs for stu­dents

We are always looking for motivated students to join our SHK team!


What we expect from you...

  • You are studying in the fields of economics, business informatics or computer science

  • You are motivated, friendly, committed and keen to work as an SHK

  • You don't need to have any programming skills

What you can expect from us...

Student assistant or would you prefer to be a working student? SHK positions have several advantages over traditional working student positions in the company - Chat-GPT agrees:

Chat-GPT: You gain practical experience in the field of your studies, which gives you an insight into the application of your acquired knowledge.
We say: That's right! - The tasks with us are very varied. You help our doctoral candidates with research and teaching - we agree on the tasks together at the beginning of the semester so that you can decide for yourself whether you would prefer to help with research (e.g. literature research or programming tasks) or teaching (e.g. holding tutorials).


Chat-GPT: Working hours can often be organised flexibly to fit in well with your studies.
We say: That's right! - We take your exam periods and deadlines into consideration. So you don't have to worry about your studies interfering with your work as an SHK. You can also work from home or from our SHK office.

Chat-GPT: You socialise with professors, research assistants and other students, which can have a positive impact on your academic and professional future.
We say: That's right! - In particular, because our department has been at Paderborn University for over 10 years, we have a very large network of former doctoral candidates, associated staff, etc. We organise an alumni meeting once a year. Once a year, we organise an alumni meeting where you can get to know former employees - this has already resulted in many internships and theses. Our alumni work, for example, as researchers in the Netherlands & USA or in companies such as Benteler, Miele, Microsoft or McKinsey.

Chat-GPT: You have access to departmental resources and events that can sponsor your continuing education.
We say: That's right! - Have you ever heard of the Feynman method? You learn best when you explain the content to someone else! As a SHK, you can actively participate in teaching (e.g. holding exercises or tutorials or helping to design slides).

Chat-GPT: Working as a student assistant often improves key skills such as teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills.
We say: That's right! - Teamwork is our top priority. We always endeavour to create positive cooperation within the entire team (doctoral candidates, professors, SHKs and staff) (e.g. through chair culture workshops or social events such as Mario Kart tournaments, alumni events or Thanksgiving football)

Chat-GPT: You're earning a salary that can help improve your financial situation as a student.
We say: That's right! - Although you will probably earn more as a working student in some companies, a SHK position will of course also pay a fair wage. Your salary will also increase if you have a Bachelor's degree.

Chat-GPT: You can take part in current research projects and deepen your theoretical knowledge through practical application.
We say: That's right! - Depending on which tasks you would like to take on with us, you can work on current research projects. However, we also attach great importance to practical relevance in our teaching, e.g. through numerous guest lectures or modules on founding & innovation, such as the Innovative Ideas Seminar.

Chat-GPT: It is often possible to write your thesis in collaboration with the chair.
We say: That's right! - Although of course all students are assessed equally, as an SHK you have advantages in your thesis, e.g. your thesis is guaranteed to be supervised by us if you want to write a thesis or project with us as an SHK. In addition, your tasks often put you in contact with the doctoral candidates, who can give you valuable tips on how to work cleanly and scientifically.

Have we piqued your interest? Then please send us your application (cover letter, CV, current performance overview etc. summarised in a PDF) by email to Perhaps you will soon be part of our chair team. We look forward to hearing from you!

Re­search as­sist­ants (doc­tor­ate)

Unfortunately, we do not have any vacancies for research assistants at the moment! However, you are welcome to use the following information to find out about a position at our department. We are always on the lookout for committed Master's graduates.

Are you interested in a doctorate or would you like to work as a research assistant at our chair? We are always looking for dedicated Master's graduates who would like to join our team. A doctorate and a position as a research assistant go hand in hand, which means that you will be employed as a research assistant at our chair during your doctorate. We offer all research assistants the option of a full-time or part-time position.

What you can ex­pect from us...

Under the thematic focus of digital markets, we at the Chair are concerned with the interaction between human and machine actors in digital markets. Companies that offer digital services or products (e.g. Spotify) or support them through digital platforms (e.g. AirBnB or Uber) operate in these markets. As practically every company today is confronted with the challenges of digitalisation, you are very flexible in your choice of topic for your doctorate. As part of their doctorates, our research assistants investigate topics such as

  • Development of digital business models
  • Online shopping and rating systems
  • Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding


At our department, we work on a wide variety of projects with different cooperation partners. As a research assistant, one of your tasks will be to write proposals for research projects and supervise them. This means that you have an influence on your own work tasks and are also involved in teaching: You will lead tutorials, hold seminars or occasionally give a lecture. The most important thing for us is that every team member feels comfortable with his or her tasks and that nobody is overloaded, which is why we agree on all upcoming tasks together at the beginning of the semester. You will also be supported by our SHKs in your activities in research projects and teaching.

There is no 'I' in Team - At our department, we place great value on cohesion and collaboration. We always try to reflect our department culture. Through various chair events (e.g. Mario Kart tournament, Thanksgiving football, alumni event, Christmas party, summer barbecue, lunch together, ...) you will quickly get to know and appreciate the team. Of course, our team also includes the SHKs, who are present at every chair event. We are proud of the collaboration between academic staff and SHKs and are pleased that the vast majority of them stay at the chair until the end of their studies.

Thanks to our strong team focus and the consistency of our chair at Paderborn University, a large network has grown up over the years. Once a year, we organise an alumni meeting where you can get to know former team members. Our alumni are active in both research and practice. They work in a wide range of industries, both nationally and internationally (e.g. Netherlands, USA).

As a research assistant, you will have your own office workstation in a 2-person office in the Q building. You can also work from our offices in Zukunftsmeile 2 or from home. Our offices are equipped with height-adjustable desks and several screens, among other things. The decoration is of course up to you. All offices are located next to each other and chocolate and coffee await you in our SHK office.

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Glob­al dis­course

Our research associates are constantly engaged in intensive dialogue with the global IS community. This interactive map shows all the conferences, meetings and research visits in which our academic staff have participated. (click on the picture to get to the map)