Our teach­ing: sci­entif­ic and ap­plic­a­tion-ori­ented

The methodological focus of our courses is on business process management, information modelling and the design and use of business information systems (in particular ERP systems) as socio-technical systems. In terms of content and function, we focus on the development, marketing and provision of digital services (smart services) in the IT industry, the high-tech industry and the service industry.

Teach­ing pro­gramme

„With our basic, methodological and specialisation modules, we enable students to shape the digital transformation through improved processes, intelligent services and innovative information systems independently and, above all, as part of a team!”

Dr. Philipp zur Heiden,

Pro­ject sem­inars

Mann mit Virtual Reality Brille.

Sub­ject area and solu­tion ex­pert­ise in a team

A project seminar is an application-oriented seminar in which Master's students work in teams to develop and evaluate pre-competitive solutions to operational problems. They apply classic and agile project management methods to plan, control and monitor the development of innovative solutions.

News project seminars

Fi­nal theses

We enable our students to write their theses and dissertations independently and in accordance with high scientific standards. We support particularly excellent students in a structured process leading to their first scientific publication. You are welcome to contact us with suitable topic suggestions or browse through our current calls for topics. Many of our students also write their theses in co-operation with companies.


SAP-Zer­ti­fiz­ier­ung­skurs TS410

Die Schulung TS410: Integrated Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA wird als 10-tägige Blockveranstaltung angeboten. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Zertifizierungsprüfung führt zu einem voll anerkannten SAP-Zertifikat

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Studierende haben grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit, sich andernorts erworbene Prüfungsleistungen in ihrem Studiengang an der Universität Paderborn anerkennen zu lassen. Wir führen diesen Anerkennungsprozess für das Department Wirtschaftsinformatik durch. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf den Seiten der Fakultät über die geltenden Rahmenbedingungen.

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