Pro­ject sem­inars: Sub­ject area and solu­tion com­pet­ence in a team

A project seminar is an application-oriented seminar in which Master's students work in teams to develop and evaluate pre-competitive solutions to operational problems. They apply classic and agile project management methods to plan, control and monitor the development of innovative solutions. The subject of a project seminar at our university is the development of digital services or new operational information systems and their realisation through the implementation of suitable information technology. Students work together in a project group to determine requirements and to develop, implement and evaluate services and information technology in terms of specialised concepts.

„The project seminar is characterised by its practical orientation. The aim is to independently solve a practical problem in group work, whereby the participants largely determine the solution themselves. This makes the seminar an exciting contrast to the focus and content of traditional modules.”

Finn Lasse Böker,
Student im Studiengang M.Sc. Management Information Systems


With an SAP S4/HANA development system, tools for process mining, state-of-the-art computer workstations and a flexible conference area, the ERP.lab is an ideal environment for the development of innovative information systems.

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Ser­vice Design.lab

In the Service Design.lab, we develop innovative services and new methods for service engineering and service management in a creative environment.

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