

Designing taxi ridesharing systems with shared pick-up and drop-off locations: Insights from a computational study

M. Stumpe, P. Dieter, G. Schryen, O. Müller, D. Beverungen, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2024).

Not your Average Digital Nudge: Heterogeneous Effects of Personalized Nudges with CausalML

K. Bösch, O. Müller, M. Weinmann, in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, 2024.


Digital Responsibility – a Multilevel Framework for Responsible Digitalization

D. Beverungen, D. Kundisch, M. Mirbabaie, O. Müller, G. Schryen, S.T.-N. Trang, M. Trier, Business & Information Systems Engineering 65 (2023) 463–474.

Do People Recover from Algorithm Aversion? An Experimental Study of Algorithm Aversion over Time

D. Leffrang, K. Bösch, O. Müller, in: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023.

AI Washing: The Framing Effect of Labels on Algorithmic Advice Utilization

D. Leffrang, in: International Conference on Information Systems, 2023.

Event Recommendations through the Lens of Vision and Language Foundation Models

H. Halimeh, F. Freese, O. Müller, in: Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism, Co-Located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 2023.

More Isn’t Always Better – Measuring Customers’ Preferences for Digital Process Transparency

K. Brennig, O. Müller, in: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023.

Text-Aware Predictive Process Monitoring of Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Does Control Flow Matter?

K. Brennig, K. Benkert, B. Löhr, O. Müller, in: Business Process Management Workshops, 2023.

A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities

J. Brock, B. Löhr, K. Brennig, T. Seger, C. Bartelheimer, S. von Enzberg, A. Kühn, R. Dumitrescu, in: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2023.

HIEF: a holistic interpretability and explainability framework

J.-P. Kucklick, Journal of Decision Systems (2023) 1–41.


Visual Interpretability of Image-based Real Estate Appraisal

J.-P. Kucklick, in: 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-55), 2022.

Towards a model- and data-focused taxonomy of XAI systems

J.-P. Kucklick, in: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings, 2022.

Shifting ML value creation mechanisms: A process model of ML value creation

A. Shollo, K. Hopf, T. Thiess, O. Müller, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 31 (2022).

Process Mining of Knowledge-Intensive Processes: An Action Design Research Study in Manufacturing

B. Löhr, K. Brennig, C. Bartelheimer, D. Beverungen, O. Müller, in: International Conference on Business Process Management, 2022.

Towards Automated Moderation: Enabling Toxic Language Detection with Transfer Learning and Attention-Based Models

M. Caron, F.S. Bäumer, O. Müller, in: 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2022.


A Comparison of Multi-View Learning Strategies for Satellite Image-based Real Estate Appraisal

J.-P. Kucklick, O. Müller, in: The AAAI-21 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services, 2021.

Quantifying the Impact of Location Data for Real Estate Appraisal – A GIS-based Deep Learning Approach

J.-P. Kucklick, J. Müller, D. Beverungen, O. Müller, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2021.

Designing a Risk Assessment Tool for Artificial Intelligence Systems

P.R. Nagbøl, O. Müller, O. Krancher, in: The Next Wave of Sociotechnical Design, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.

Should I Follow this Model? The Effect of Uncertainty Visualization on the Acceptance of Time Series Forecasts

D. Leffrang, O. Müller, in: IEEE Workshop on TRust and EXpertise in Visual Analytics, 2021.

PIVOT: A Parsimonious End-to-End Learning Framework for Valuing Player Actions in Handball using Tracking Data

O. Müller, M. Caron, M. Döring, T. Heuwinkel, J. Baumeister, in: 8th Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (ECML PKDD 2021), n.d.

To the Moon! Analyzing the Community of “Degenerates” Engaged in the Surge of the GME Stock

M. Caron, M. Gulenko, O. Müller, in: 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2021), 2021.


Location, location, location: Satellite image-based real-estate appraisal

J.-P. Kucklick, O. Müller, in: Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), 2020.

Design Principles for Explainable Sales Win-Propensity Prediction Systems

T. Thiess, O. Müller, L. Tonelli, in: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2020.

Business Intelligence & Analytics Cost Accounting: An Action Design Research Approach

R. Grytz, A. Krohn-Grimberghe, O. Müller, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2020.

Extending Loyalty Programs with BI Functionalities A Case Study for Brick-and-Mortar Stores

J.-P. Kucklick, M.R. Kamm, J. Schneider, J. vom Brocke, in: Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020.

Data mining for small shops: Empowering brick-and-mortar stores through BI functionalities of a loyalty program1

M.R. Kamm, J.-P. Kucklick, J. Schneider, J. vom Brocke, Information Systems Management 38 (2020) 270–286.

Hardening Soft Information: A Transformer-Based Approach to Forecasting Stock Return Volatility

M. Caron, O. Müller, in: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2020, pp. 4383–4391.


The Effect of Marker-less Augmented Reality on Task and Learning Performance

P. Sommerauer, O. Müller, L. Maxim, N. Østman, in: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019.


Hospital-wide Process-oriented Organization of Care: The Case of Turku University Central Hospital

R. Suomi, O. Müller, J. vom Brocke, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application 19 (2018) 3.

Augmented reality for teaching and learning - A literature review on theoretical and empirical foundations

P. Sommerauer, O. Müller, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2018.

Emotional contagion through online newspapers

K. Bösch, O. Müller, J. Schneider, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2018.


Disentangling the Relationship Between the Adoption of In-Memory Computing and Firm Performance

M. Fay, O. Müller, J. vom Brocke, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2016.

Identifying and quantifying cultural factors that matter to the IT workforce: An approach based on automated content analysis

T. Schmiedel, O. Müller, S. Debortoli, J. vom Brocke, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2016.


A gender perspective on business process management competences offered on professional online social networks

E. Gorbacheva, A. Stein, T. Schmiedel, O. Müller, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2015.

Potenzialbeurteilung neuer Technologien im Prozesscontrolling

J. vom Brocke, O. Müller, S. Debortoli, N. Reuter, Controlling 26 (2015) 83–89.

Real-time Business Process Intelligence. Comparison of different architectural approaches using the example of the order-to-cash process.

A. Korotina, O. Müller, S. Debortoli, in: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2015, pp. 1710–1724.


Interview with Michael Rosemann on ambidextrous business process management

T. Kohlborn, O. Müller, J. Poeppelbuss, M. Roeglinger, Business Process Management Journal (2014) 634–638.

Handbuch für offene gesellschaftliche Innovation

C. Raffl, J. Lucke, O. Müller, H.-D. Zimmermann, J. Vom Brocke, in: TOGI-Schriftenreihe, ePubli GmbH, 2014.

Identifying and characterizing topics in enterprise content management: a latent semantic analysis of vendor case studies

A. Herbst, A. Simons, J. vom Brocke, O. Müller, S. Debortoli, S. Vakulenko, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2014.

Identifying the role of information systems in achieving energy-related environmental sustainability using text mining

N. Reuter, S. Vakulenko, J. vom Brocke, S. Debortoli, O. Müller, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2014.

How In-memory Technology Can Create Business Value: Insights from the Hilti Case

J. vom Brocke, S. Debortoli, O. Müller, N. Reuter, Communications of the Association for Information Systems 34 (2014) 7.

Enriching iTunes App Store categories via topic modeling

S. Vakulenko, O. Müller, J. vom Brocke, in: International Conference on Information Systems, 2014.


Open Societal Innovation: The Alemannic Definition

J. von Lucke, J. Herzberg, U. Kluge, J. vom Brocke, O. Müller, H.-D. Zimmermann, SSRN Electronic Journal (2012).

Business activity management for service networks in cloud environments

C. Janiesch, R. Fischer, M. Matzner, O. Müller, in: Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing, 2012, pp. 1–6.


Slipstream: architecture options for real-time process analytics

C. Janiesch, M. Matzner, O. Müller, R. Vollmer, J. Becker, in: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2011, pp. 295–300.


Online-Produktkonfiguratoren – Status quo und Entwicklungsperspektiven

J. Becker, R. Knackstedt, O. Müller, A. Benölken, O. Schmitt, M. Thillainathan, A. Schulke, in: Vertriebsinformationssysteme, Springer-Verlag, 2010, pp. 85–104.

An ontology-based natural language service discovery engine--design and experimental evaluation

J. Becker, O. Müller, M. Woditsch, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2010.


Comparing Architectural Styles for Service-Oriented Architectures – a REST vs. SOAP Case Study

J. Becker, M. Matzner, O. Müller, in: Information Systems Development, Springer, 2009, pp. 207–215.

Documentation of flexible business processes-A healthcare case study

J. Becker, K. Bergener, O. Müller, F. Müller-Wienbergen, in: Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2009, p. 93.

A design research study on enhancing creativity-The case of developing product-service bundles

F. Müller-Wienbergen, S. Seidel, O. Müller, R. Knackstedt, J. Becker, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2009.


Serviceorientierte Informationssystemarchitekturen zur Integration von Produktion und Dienstleistung am Beispiel des WEEE-Recycling

R. Knackstedt, O. Müller, in: Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke, Physica-Verlag HD, 2008, pp. 235–252.

Towards a semantic data quality management-using ontologies to assess master data quality in retailing

J. Becker, M. Matzner, O. Müller, A. Winkelmann, in: Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2008, p. 129.

An ontology-based service discovery approach for the provisioning of product-service bundles

R. Knackstedt, D. Kuropka, O. Müller, A. Polyvyanyy, in: European Conference on Information Systems, 2008.

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