Final theses

On this page you will find general information on writing a thesis at our department as well as current topic suggestions. In principle, you can submit your own topic suggestions or choose a topic currently on offer.

Tips for fi­nal theses

By writing a scientific (final) thesis, you as a student should demonstrate that you are able to independently answer a relevant question using scientific methods.

In addition to developing interesting results in terms of content, it is also important to fulfil some formal requirements of academic work. A scientific approach, a meaningful line of argumentation (structure), but also the identification of adopted sources and content are particularly important in order to design the work in accordance with these requirements. Of course, correct spelling and an appealing design are also part of the preparation of a (good) scientific paper.

When planning a scientific (final) thesis, a special focus should be placed on the following four core aspects:

  1. Formulating the field of action and the title of the thesis
  2. Formulation of the research question
  3. Selection or design of the research method suitable for answering the research question
  4. Structure of the thesis

If you are interested in writing a thesis supervised by our chair, you should first develop some ideas against the background of these four core aspects, which we can take up and develop further during a planning meeting. On this basis, please prepare a one-page synopsis, which can be used for the detailed planning of your thesis.

A good scientific paper can be recognised by a suitable title that sums up the problem in a few words. The nouns used in the title are key words that define the framework of the work and should also be found later in the outline. In addition to the field of action and subject of the work, the title should also include a reference to the research method used. To prevent the title from becoming too long, it may be helpful to divide it into two parts according to the following pattern: "Field of action of the thesis - aim and research method of the thesis".

The teaching topics or research topics provide a rough field in which we can collaborate on research work.

Think about whether there is something in this area that particularly interests you (e.g. management perspective, technical aspects, investigation of behaviour in social media, general socio-psychological factors such as motivation, online identity, privacy).

The structure of the thesis is based on the research question being investigated and the selected research method. A logical and self-contained structure is therefore reflected in a formally and logically sound organisation. When subdividing the chapters, it is important to ensure that a subsection (e.g. 1.1) is followed by another subsection (e.g. 1.2). A basic framework, which can or must be adapted according to the chosen field of action and the chosen research method, can be organised as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction (as a further development of the synopsis)

  • Names the subject area of the thesis
  • Illuminates its importance on the basis of empirical data
  • Describes the need for research or the research gap in the literature
  • States the research question/objective expressis verbis.
  • Shows the structure of the thesis to answer the research question or to achieve the design goal

Chapter 2: State of research

  • Refers to relevant previous work and discusses its relevance for the own work actively or critically scrutinising it. In particular, the state of research in the chosen focus areas of the thesis should be determined and summarised. Among other things, this is necessary in order to emphasise the own contribution of the thesis.
  • Provides a technical and terminological basis for the following chapters of the thesis. The terms introduced are therefore to be used consistently.
  • The state of research is reflected as specifically as possible so that exactly those concepts are presented and discussed that are relevant for the further argumentation of the thesis.

Chapter 3: Research method

  • Outlines in detail the cognitive/design process used to answer the research question/achieve the research objective.
  • Places the chosen research method in the context of the relevant literature on the chosen research method so that it becomes clear to what extent the chosen approach is valid.

Chapter 4: [Own results]

  • Presentation of the relevant own results of the thesis
  • Represents the main part of the thesis

Chapter 5: Conclusion and outlook

  • Reflects on the work and its contribution (content and scope) to answering the research question or design objective stated in Chapter 1
  • Emphasises the limitations of the work so that the actual contribution can be clearly outlined. Limitations are therefore helpful in order to be able to precisely emphasise one's own contribution and are not "shortcomings" of the work.
  • Motivates the need for further research on the basis of the results contributed by the work and its limitations.

A core aspect of scientific work is the correct handling of the sources used. In particular, it should be shown which results have been achieved in the work itself and which findings have been taken from other people's previous work. Any content that is not attributable to your own work must therefore be labelled in accordance with the applicable citation rules. This includes both the literal citation and the analogous adoption of statements. An active approach to the available literature demonstrates both a good embedding of the results in the literature and a substantial contribution of one's own.

The template for written theses can be requested by email from birgit.petermeier(at)uni.paderborn.paderborn(dot)de after submitting the synopsis and registering the thesis.

Just send me some information

  • Brief overview of notes
  • Do you already have a rough idea of a topic or a key question (possibly from the chair's overview document)?
  • Is there possibly a company that can/should be analysed in the thesis (optional)? Is there already contact?
  • What data could be analysed (interviews, online observations, surveys) or should it be about software design?
  • What is the rough schedule?
  • Should it be written in English or German?

We can first discuss your topic roughly by e-mail (for example, I can suggest guiding questions to concretise a topic). Then, relatively shortly (approx. 2 weeks) before registration begins, we will hold a 30-minute preliminary meeting (only if there is a concrete intention to register) to discuss and conceptualise the research paper. After registration, there are recurring meetings by appointment, possibly at the same time as other students in the same process.

The processing time is six months for Master's theses and three months for Bachelor's theses. Master's theses should generally be approx. 80 pages long, Bachelor's theses approx. 40 pages, seminar papers and student research projects approx. 20-25 pages (in each case without outline, references and appendices). Unless otherwise agreed, a tolerance of +/- 10 per cent applies.

If your examination regulations provide for a second examiner, please contact your preferred second examiner in good time. The second examiner must be specified when registering the thesis.

Theses can be written in German or English. The spelling and grammar rules of the new spelling system apply. Please use the format template for theses provided by us.

For the formal submission of your thesis, please follow the news from the Examinations Office. The additional submission of theses to our chair can be made digitally by e-mail as a PDF or alternatively on a data carrier, preferably a USB stick, which contains all sources and other material as well as an electronic form of the thesis.

There are a number of software tools that support literature management, time management or structuring of the research process. The use of tools depends on your personal way of working. Please decide for yourself which tools are most suitable for you.

A. Literature management: Tools are available to support and organise the work with the sources used. Some of the tools also include functionalities for literature searches and project management.

B. Structuring the research process: Mind maps can be suitable for structuring the research process. In addition to commercial tools, there are also freely available tools.

C. Time management: Project planning tools can be used to plan, control and monitor milestones and progress up to submission.