Teaching at the Chair of Social Computing

A useful start to our SOCO teaching is usually the module Fundamentals of Social Media & Cooperative Technologies! It offers a broad overview of the latest technologies and design aspects and introduces theories of individual and group-oriented user behaviour in social media in such a way that you will be able to better analyse and design consumer behaviour, participation and community management.

The focus is always on how theories and design approaches can be meaningfully applied in a corporate context, e.g. for community management, customer loyalty, to promote more participation, innovation and expert exchange, for successful digital teamwork or the introduction of social media and digital cooperation in the work process.

Social media management is an important skill. This topic will be offered in a separate module on social media management methods from spring 2019. The focus will be on the design, use and management of social media in corporate functions such as marketing, customer service and human resource management. Other focal points such as social media strategy, crisis management with social media and knowledge management are also included. The social media functions are still only well coordinated in very few companies, meaning that the skills taught are very relevant on the labour market.

You can deal with specific company examples or topics in more detail in the seminars and coursework events. You can draw on given current topics, tinker with technical innovations, try out the latest technologies or collaborate with companies. Always under expert guidance and with an introduction to professional scientific working methods. Get to grips with social media and social computing and become a future-oriented specialist in this field! With a little initiative and organisation, the SOCO Bachelor's thesis can be your ticket into a company.

Here you can find an overview of the SOCO Bachelor's portfolio. Below the image you will find a table with links to the formal module descriptions.

Teach­ing pro­gramme

Module name




Person responsible

W4324 Social Business Analytics & Management WS 5 DEU Prof Dr Matthias Trier

W4325 Management & leadership in the digitalising organisation

(will not be offered in summer semester 2024)

summer semester 5 DEU Prof. Dr Matthias Trier

W4326 Deep Learning in Social Media

(will not be offered in summer semester 2024)

summer semester 5 ENG Prof. Dr Matthias Trier

W4327 Virtual Reality Experiments - Interaction in the virtual organisation

(until SoSe 2024)

SoSe 5 DEU

Prof. Dr. Matthias Trier

Lennart Rehmer

Robert Rose

W4328 Virtual Reality Experiments - Interaction in the Virtual Organisation

(from WS 24/25)

SoSe/WS 10 DEU Prof. Dr. Matthias Trier
Master's theses for business informatics specialists or economists SoSe/WS 30 DEU/ENG Prof Dr Matthias Trier
Audixmax beim Tag der WW.

Cred­it­ing of ser­vices

Students on an economics degree programme at Paderborn University generally have the opportunity to have examinations taken elsewhere, for example at another university or abroad, recognised for modules offered on the Paderborn degree programme.

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