Ed­it­or­ship of trade journ­als

BISE (Business & Information Systems Engineering) is an international scholarly and double-blind peer reviewed journal that publishes scientific research on the effective and efficient design and utilization of information systems by individuals, groups, enterprises, and society for the improvement of social welfare. Information systems are understood as socio-technical systems comprising tasks, people, and information technology. Research published in the journal examines relevant problems in the analysis, design, implementation, and management of information systems.

BISE has been the flagship journal of the German-language Information Systems community for more than 60 years. It is now one of the leading European journals in the field. BISE is sponsored by the Section "Information Systems" (Wirtschaftsinformatik, WKWI) of the German Association for Business Research (VHB) and the special interest group "Business Informatics"(GI-FB WI) of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI) with more than 1200 members. BISE is also an affiliated journal of the Association for Information Systems(AIS).

ISE had 576,273 full-text downloads in 2021 (+39% compared to 2020), a CiteScore of 10.3, a 2021 Impact Factor of 5.675, and a 5-year Impact Factor of 8.429.

BISE (Business & Information Systems Engineering) is an international scholarly and double-blind peer reviewed journal that publishes scientific research on the effective and efficient design and utilization of information systems by individuals, groups, enterprises, and society for the improvement of social welfare. Information systems are understood as socio-technical systems comprising tasks, people, and information technology. Research published in the journal examines relevant problems in the analysis, design, implementation, and management of information systems.

BISE has been the flagship journal of the German-language Information Systems community for more than 55 years. It is now one of the leading European journals in the field. BISE is sponsored by the Section "Information Systems" (Wirtschaftsinformatik, WKWI) of the German Association for Business Research (VHB) and the special interest group "Business Informatics"(GI-FB WI) of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI) with more than 1200 members. BISE is also an affiliated journal of the Association for Information Systems(AIS).

The journal has almost 1800 individual subscriptions and 6813 institutions worldwide have online access to the journal via SpringerLink generating 151,353 downloads of articles in 2014. BISE is listed as "A" journal in many journal rankings and has an impact factor of 1.7 (2014).

Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB) focuses on the core tasks of information systems management; the conceptual analysis, design, and deployment of information systems; and all e-business related topics. The journal publishes novel research findings in information systems management and e-business that advance the field fundamentally and significantly.

Published quarterly, this journal serves as a dynamic forum for both academics and practitioners in industry. These readers turn to ISeB to discover innovative research on all aspects of information systems management, including analytical, behavioural and technological perspectives.

The Information Systems Journal (ISJ) is an international journal that focuses on the study of information systems - on research, practice, experience, current issues and debates. The ISJ publishes articles that have broad and interdisciplinary topics as well as articles that show the integration of technological aspects with social, contextual and management issues by using adequate research methods. The journal is primarily focused on qualitative research, but also welcomes quantitative research that make theoretical and practical implications of their findings. Exclusively technical papers are not published in the ISJ.

Together with Virpi Tuunainen, Christoph Breidbach and Jens Pöppelbuß, Daniel Beverungen publishes the Special Issue " SMART SERVICE SYSTEMS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVE " in the international top journal Information Systems Journal ( ISJ ). The ISJ one of the six leading journals in Information Systems and is rated as A- journal according to the VHB JOURQUAL 3. Deadline for submission is May 30, 2017.

Or­gan­isa­tion of con­fer­ences and work­shops

Over the past decade, the conference has built its reputation by showcasing leading-edge research of the highest quality together with talks, tutorials, and discussions by the most renowned thought leaders and innovators in the field.

The BPM conference series embraces the diversity and richness of the BPM field and serves as a melting pot for experts from a mix of disciplines including Computer Science, Information Systems Engineering, and Management.

Data Marketplaces Beyond Conceptualisation: Business Models, Governance, and Societal Concerns

Data marketplaces play a pivotal role in the emerging data economy by enabling the exchange of data products in data ecosystems (de Reuver et al., 2022; Oliveira et al., 2019). Data marketplaces are a subtype of digital platforms that create value through a) matching data providers and consumers, b) providing infrastructure for contract creation, and c) facilitating the transportation and payment of data products (Spiekermann, 2019; Stahl et al., 2016). Data marketplaces can have numerous forms, ranging from business-to-business (centralised or decentralised) data marketplaces to personal ones (Fruhwirth et al., 2020). While most data marketplaces are commercial platforms, public data spaces offer new vistas for creating public platform ecosystems (Beverungen et al., 2022).